Monday, March 06, 2017 by JD Heyes
Despite the best efforts of the Alt-Left to destroy the presidency of Donald J. Trump, Americans are flocking to support him, as evidenced by a survey taken in the days after his first address to Congress last month.
As reported by CNN, which did its best to downplay the results, some 70 percent of Americans polled said they felt more optimistic about the future of the country after hearing Trump’s address:
President Donald Trump’s first address to Congress received largely positive reviews from viewers, with 57% who tuned in saying they had a very positive reaction to the speech, according to a new CNN/ORC poll of speech-watchers.
Nearly 7-in-10 who watched said the President’s proposed policies would move the country in the right direction and almost two-thirds said the president has the right priorities for the country. Overall, about 7-in-10 said the speech made them feel more optimistic about the direction of the country.
Now, in reporting these incredibly positive results, CNN was quick to point out that, hey, you know, this isn’t the sentiment of all Americans, but only of those who watched the speech. And of course, most of those who watched are already Trump supporters, so, yeah, there’s that. And, admittedly, CNN said the same thing about former President Obama’s last address to the country. (RELATED: Finally: GOP Sees A REAL Chance Under Trump To Cut The Size Of The Federal Bureaucracy)
But the fact is, the results are telling in that they defy the Alt-Left narrative that Trump is declining in overall popularity barely a month into his first term and that his supporters are already giving up on him. Not even close.
Wall Street doesn’t agree with the phony narrative, either. On the day of his inauguration, stocks rose to near record highs, and have been growing ever since. And in recent days, Wall Street posted new gains after Trump pledged corporate tax cuts – which he did throughout his campaign (now, if he can just get the GOP Congress to cooperate).
Also, there were demonstrations of support from Americans all around the country during the recent “March 4 Trump” celebrations, though some of them were marred by violence, thanks to Alt-Left thugs and cowards who took the occasion to beat, pepper spray and intimidate Trump supporters, including older Americans, on the “free speech zone” of the University of California-Berkeley.
Plus, other polling simply does not bear out the claim that he’s unpopular or that his base of supporters are turning on him. Rasmussen Reports’ daily presidential tracking poll has Trump at 53 percent approval, not the low 40s or even high 30s that some approval rating polling recently has had him.
The fact is, Trump’s supporters stuck with him throughout his very unconventional campaign, in which he survived attempt after attempt from the Deep State and the political and media establishments to “take him out.” Virtually no one in official Washington believed he would win; in fact, in the days ahead of the election, some – like The Intercept’s Glenn Greenwald – actually came to Trump’s defense despite his dislike for him. (RELATED: Way beyond Watergate: Obama bugged Trump Tower)
In a mid-October story dissecting the Democrats’ and the Deep State’s claims that Trump colluded with the Russians to steal the election from Trump, Greenwald predicted that the billionaire businessman would suffer an “almost-certain humiliating defeat,” to be followed by Democratic “dominance” of U.S. politics (he may still be right about that one – time will tell).
We have to remember that Trump didn’t just win, he beat Clinton soundly. He won states that have voted for the blue president for the past 20-25 years, including Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Ohio, among others. He took 306 electoral votes when most pre-election analyses didn’t give him much more than 200. Media outlets were so certain Clinton was going to win they were openly predicting how bad Trump would lose. Some even claimed that he may lose states GOP candidates normally win.
J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for NaturalNews.com and NewsTarget.com, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.
Tagged Under: Tags: polling, Popularity, President Donald J. Trump, Trump.news, Wall Street