Saturday, April 01, 2017 by Mike Adams
Much like a “narco state” that’s run by narco terrorists, America has now collapsed into a pharma state run by “legal” drug cartels protected by a hopelessly corrupt government.
The evidence is all around you: How the drug cartels control Congress, universities, medical schools, science journals and of course the entire fake news media (previously known as the “mainstream media”).
The pharmaceutical industry has more lobbyists in Washington D.C. than any other industry, including the weapons industry. Similarly, Big Pharma is routinely caught committing felony crimes involving price fixing or bribery “kickback” schemes such as the GlaxoSmithKline criminal bribery network that involved over 40,000 U.S. doctors.
Big Pharma is a massive criminal racketeering enterprise with a devastating cost in human lives, suffering and financial bankruptcy. If the parasitic drug cartels are not stopped, they will destroy America by obliterating its financial solvency, human health and even human freedom.
Already, the drug cartels are pushing for mandatory vaccination laws — a form of medical tyranny and violence — that allow the government to forcibly inject you (essentially at gunpoint) with anything the drug companies demand, no matter how dangerous. This includes, by the way, human fetal tissue, DNA from diseased animals, toxic heavy metals, brain-damaging chemicals and other ingredients confirmed by the CDC as being used in vaccines. (See The Truth About Vaccines documentary series for more details.)
As a pharma state, America cannot extricate itself from the corruption and malfeasance of the pharmaceutical industry, which is exactly why no meaningful Obamacare repeal or reform can ever succeed: There’s too much money at stake for the drug cartels that wield monopoly influence in Washington.
Both the FDA and CDC have become “captive” agencies that serve primarily to protect the monopoly interests of the pharmaceutical giants, and even the FTC obeys Big Pharma by seeking out and destroying producers of natural products that might compete with Big Pharma’s high-profit drugs.
In the same way that Colombia existed as a narco state, America is now a pharma state, meaning that pharmaceutical interests now control the government, the media, the universities and even the “science” (which means it isn’t really science at all).
Like a dangerous parasite, this pharmaceutical infestation of nearly every institution in the nation will, of course, bankrupt and destroy America’s financial solvency, leading to a collapse and “reboot.” It is vital that when the reboot comes, Americans reject the drug cartels that destroyed our nation, our health, our financial solvency and even our minds in many cases (with mind-altering chemical medications).
Hear more about how America has plunged into a “pharma state” at my Health Ranger Report podcast. Or listen below (note: videos may not appear if you have ad blockers turned on. Whitelist this website to make sure you can see all videos).
Tagged Under: Tags: Big Pharma, CDC, corruption, drug cartels, FDA, health care, monopoly, pharma state, racketeering, reform