Monday, May 15, 2017 by JD Heyes
The world’s governing institutions are crumbling fast, having become infested with corrupt people who have no allegiance to anything or anyone but themselves and the almighty dollar.
The United Nations is one of those institutions, and in fact, the corruption there proves the point that governments everywhere are morally bankrupt, since representatives to the UN come from all over the planet.
One of the more grotesque abuses of trust and power by the UN is the leadership’s effort to protect those who commit violence against women and children, while going out of their way to prosecute anyone who’s actually trying to do the right thing and report the crimes.
As noted by The New American, these crimes have included the rape of women and children by UN “peacekeepers.” The magazine’s foreign correspondent, Alex Newman, explains in a video released earlier this month that a series of whistleblowers have put careers and even their lives on the line to tell the world what is happening.
“[T]he UN has a long history of retaliating against, terrorizing, persecuting, and attacking” whistleblowers, the site noted. “It is critical that civilized nations put a stop to the UN war on whistleblowers.” (RELATED: UN ‘Peacekeeping’ Troops Who’ve Raped Women And Children Across The World Are Coming To America)
Newman, who refers to the UN as “a dictator’s club” and a “cesspool of corruption,” noted that because UN officials are immune from prosecution, they get away with anything. Worse, they also get by with trashing and ruining whistleblowers.
The problem of child rape is particularly troubling, and it seems to happen most often in African nations where peacekeeping troops are stationed very frequently. While such forces do little to actually keep the peace when violence does break out, many of them spend their time abusing the very people they were sent there to protect.
Very often, as Newman reported, UN officials plot to destroy and delegitimize whistleblowers in an attempt to discourage them from talking. One of them was Anders Kompass, a UN official from Sweden who worked in the Office of Human Rights. He blew the whistle on alleged child sexual abuse by French and African peacekeepers in the Central African Republican in 2014. Shortly thereafter, the UN Office of the High Commissioner of his department suspended him for “breaching rules of conduct.” It doesn’t get any more Orwellian than that.
Outraged, he spoke against the UN in general, saying that corruption throughout the institution is beyond repair.
“The complete impunity for those who have been found to have, in various degrees’ abused their authority, together with the unwillingness of the hierarchy to express any regrets for the way they acted towards me sadly confirms that lack of accountability is entrenched in the United Nations,” he said in an interview with IRIN News last year. “This makes it impossible for me to continue working there.”
For its part IRIN reported, the UN adopted a “zero tolerance” policy towards sexual abuse by peacekeepers way back in 2005, and UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has been pushing tough new measures, but “the reports keep coming in” of new abuses, the news service reported.
It said that more than 100 new cases of abuse by UN and non-UN peacekeepers were reported in the Central African Republican in March alone.
The system, however, really is set up to fail. The UN has repeatedly claimed – correctly, since it is not a real government – that the organization has no authority to discipline or prosecute criminal behavior by peacekeepers, relying instead on contributing countries to do so. (RELATED: UN Gun Grabbers Indoctrinating Children To Abide By Civilian Disarmament)
However, the organization is also chronically short of peacekeeping forces, so even if it had authority, it likely would be reluctant to mete out punishment for fear of losing troops as contributing countries pulled them out of UN missions. And some countries are resisting stricter measures.
President Donald J. Trump’s first budget proposal seeks to cut $1 billion in funding for the UN and other foreign aid, opting instead to spend more American tax dollars at home.
That paltry cut in a $4-plus trillion budget is being opposed by both Democrats and Republicans. Guess they would rather subsidize child rape than defund an organization that essentially sanctions it.
J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for NaturalNews.com and NewsTarget.com, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.
Tagged Under: Tags: Child rape, peacekeepers, persecution, priority, United Nations, Whistleblowers