Saturday, May 20, 2017 by Mike Adams
Thanks to the global activism against government insanity, it now appears that officials in Sherman County, Oregon are backing off their recent threats to forcibly spray a 2,000-acre organic farm with toxic glyphosate weedkiller (Roundup).
With Natural News and other pro-organics organizations sounding the alarm, Sherman County officials were hit with over 40,000 emails denouncing their insanely destructive intention to spray a cancer-causing, soil-destroying poison on a large organic farm. David Cross, the Director of Marketing for Azure Farm, issued the following email.
We have some great news to share with you.
Tonight we had a very productive meeting with the county commission and weed board officials in Moro, Sherman County, Oregon. Here is David Stelzer’s message recorded just moments after the meeting ended.
First, we would like to thank our loyal supporters for helping to spread the word and for voicing your concerns about the threat we faced. Sherman County reportedly received over 40,000 emails to date about the matter. You helped to open up a whole new level of debate about organic farming, and about the benefits of clean, healthy food.
Thank you.
The county commission has now agreed to work with us on a proper weed plan that does not include the use of toxic chemicals, and we would like to thank them for their level-headed approach to working together with Azure Farm.
There are still a couple of meetings… we will have with the county officials to work out the final implementation of this plan but we are now very optimistic that this will work out in a good way for all concerned.
Thank you for your support!
David Cross
Director of Marketing
There’s one more important thing to keep in mind on all this: We must never let our guard down. Ignorant, insane government bureaucrats have a nasty habit of acting like they’re backing down on something in response to public outcry, then going “full rogue” against their intended targets later, using the full power and coercion of the state to punish people for daring to garner public support.
So I want you all to know that Natural News will be watching Sherman County, Oregon, and we will immediately report on any further attempt to intimidate Azure Farm or poison its organic fields with toxic weedkiller chemicals.
Perhaps now, with so much public outcry over this issue, Sherman County officials will wake up and realize that if they really love their community and their own children, they shouldn’t be spraying cancer-causing chemicals on the food supply. They should be thanking Azure Farm for growing organic and providing nutritious, non-toxic food to the local Oregon population.
Thank all of you who took action on this issue. We must continue to work to educate ignorant bureaucrats while defending our food supply from those who incessantly seek to poison it.
Follow more news about food freedom at FoodFreedom.news, and learn more about the toxicity of glyphosate at Glyphosate.news.
Tagged Under: Tags: Azure Farm, glyphosate, noxious weeds, Oregon, Organic, Sherman County