Sunday, May 28, 2017 by JD Heyes
Many once-fine institutions for higher learning in America are slowly but very steadily being transformed from educational facilities to cultural revolution centers aimed at destroying traditional American principles, values and mores.
How else can you possibly explain this outrage: Requiring political science majors to take and pass a course called “Abolition of Whiteness” that is little more than mandatory shaming of anyone born Caucasian.
As reported by Campus Reform, Hunter College in New York City, beginning in the Fall 2017 semester, will require the course, which is to be taught by “Women and Gender Studies” Prof. Jennifer Gaboury. The course is cross-listed for her department and the Political Science Department, and will fulfill one of four classes in the “4 subfields of political science” under the overarching “POLSC 204: Contemporary Issues in Political Theory.”
As someone who holds a BA in political science, I can tell you that this course offers nothing in terms of genuine understanding of American government — how it functions, its constitutional underpinning, political parties, the legislative process, etc. Rather, it is just another way insane Left-wing “academics” can feed into the racist and preposterous construct that whatever ails our country can and must be laid at the feet of white people. (Related: Read Evergreen State College students SEIZE campus, begin forced searches of vehicles for white professor who refused to kow-tow to liberal insanity.)
As Campus Reform notes, the school’s official course catalog doesn’t say very much about what the course actually discusses. However, a flyer advertising a previous version of the course from the Fall 2016 semester says it is “an overview of whiteness studies in the United States,” focusing specifically “on concepts of consciousness, in/visibility, disavowal, and resentment.”
So in other words, students are taught that not only are whites the epitome of all that is bad in America, they should feel badly about creating so much “resentment” for all they’ve allegedly done, and must disavow their own race.
It isn’t as though a degree in “Women and Gender Studies” is going to land you a decent job, but what is a course like this supposed to add, specifically, to someone’s understanding of government?
Nothing, of course. It’s not about that. It’s about meting out punishment for being white.
“We’ll be examining how whiteness — and/or white supremacy and violence — is intertwined with conceptions of gender, race, sexuality, class, body ability, nationality, and age,” says the course description. It adds, “a petition for this course is on file with the College Senate so that it fulfills Pluralism and Diversity Parts B, C, or D.,” which is a reference to mandatory course work that, respectively, focuses on “the historical conditions, perspectives and/or intellectual traditions” of ethnic minorities in the United States, women, people with non-traditional sexual orientations, as well as Europeans.
While the course does not yet appear to have been officially added to the list of classes which satisfy the “Pluralism and Diversity requirement,” the mere fact that it has been proposed and being seriously considered is worse than outrageous.
If there is any aspect of “Abolition of Whiteness” appropriate to the instruction of political science in this day and age, instruction which includes lessons in political activity and political behavior, which party — rather, which ideology — do you think gives the subject the most serious consideration?
If you said Donald Trump’s party, you’d be wrong. Trump isn’t the “white supremacist” he’s framed as being, his supporters aren’t the racists they’ve been portrayed as being. In fact, only the Alt-Left, which is squarely ensconced in the Democratic Party, pushes the narrative that whites are evil, whites are bad, and if only power were taken away from whites then America would become utopia. (Related: Read America’s Universities Have Become Training Camps For Violent Left-Wing Extremism.)
No course like this should be taught on any college campus, but can you even imagine such a course being suggested and approved called “Abolition of Blackness,” where students are taught to “disavow” and “resent” black people? Or Hispanics? Or Native Americans?
I can’t either.
J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for NaturalNews.com and NewsTarget.com, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.
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Tagged Under: Tags: Abolition of Whiteness, college course, Hunter College, political science