Thursday, June 15, 2017 by JD Heyes
The now-deceased shooter who attempted to assassinate as many Republican lawmakers as he could and who critically wounded House Majority Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana “liked” the Southern Poverty Law Center — a Left-wing smear group tied to a domestic terrorist incident — and was a fan of other far-Left figures and TV programming.
As reported by WorldNetDaily, James T. Hodgkinson, 66, who was shot and killed by Capitol Police as he fired at several GOP lawmakers practicing for an annual softball game early Wednesday morning on a field in Arlington, Va., was a fan of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which was linked some five years ago to an attack against the Family Research Council’s HQ in Washington, D.C.
In addition, the avid supporter of Sen. Bernie Sanders “liked” a number of anti-conservative, anti-Republican Facebook pages, including “Dump Trump,” “Liar, Liar, Republican campaign on fire,” “Republicans ARE the problem,” “Berniecrats United to Resist Trump,” and “Fire the Republican Government.”
Also, as WND noted, a further review of his Facebook page found that he “liked” television programming that was decidedly anti-Trump and pro-Left-wing, like MSBNC’s Rachel Maddow, Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show,” and HBO’s “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver.” All of these programs “regularly paint Republicans to be incompetent at best and outright fascists and Nazis at worst,” the site reported. (RELATED: Deranged Bernie Sanders supporter attempts mass political executions of Republicans at softball game… has civil war begun?)
Hodgkinson also belonged to a number of Facebook groups including “The Road to Hell is Paved with Republicans,” and “Community Justice Center,” which is based in Left-wing California and is staunchly opposed to the GOP. He also posted statements including “It’s time to destroy Trump and Co.” and that Scalise ought to “lose his job.”
As for the SPLC — which sees [right-wing] domestic terrorists under every rock — it has been linked to an act of domestic terrorism, and once listed Dr. Ben Carson, Trump’s Housing and Urban Development Secretary, as a “hater.”
WND described the link thusly:
SPLC’s past targeting of FRC was cited in court as the impetus for an attack on the Christian organization’s Washington, D.C., headquarters.
The legal team at Liberty Counsel, criticizing SPLC for “falsely and recklessly labeling Christian ministries as ‘hate groups,’” noted SPLC is “responsible for the first conviction of a man who intended to commit mass murder targeted against a policy organization in Washington, D.C.”
“On August 15, 2012, Floyd Corkins went to the Family Research Council with a gun and a bag filled with ammunition and Chick-fil-A sandwiches. His stated purpose was to kill as many employees of the Family Research Council as possible and then to smear Chick-fil-A sandwiches in their faces (because the founder of the food chain said he believed in marriage as a man and a woman),” Liberty Counsel noted, as reported by WND.com. “Fortunately, Mr. Corkins was stopped by the security guard, who was shot in the process. Corkins is now serving time in prison. Mr. Corkins admitted to the court that he learned of the Family Research Council by reading the SPLC’s hate map.”
Corkins was eventually sentenced on a charge of domestic terrorism after naming the SPLC as his source of information in interviews with the FBI.
For its part, the Family Research Council has repeatedly stated it is not “anti-gay,” only that the organization merely promotes the Christian Bible’s perspective on heterosexual marriage.
Notes Natural News and Newstarget.com founder/editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, the Left has a violence problem, and the disgusting “mainstream” media is only making it worse.
“The Left has become a terrorist organization, and its violence and hatred is fueled by the fake news left-wing media that continues to fan the flames of hatred and intolerance with day after day of fabricated ‘news’ that’s intended to cause the very kind of violence against Republicans we all just witnessed in Alexandria, Virginia,” he wrote in the wake of Wednesday’s shooting.
J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for NaturalNews.com and NewsTarget.com, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.
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Tagged Under: Tags: Arlington shooter, far-Left violence, James T. Hodgkinson, Republicans, SPLC, Trump hate