Tuesday, August 08, 2017 by JD Heyes
The world’s biggest search engine, technology, and media company was shaken to its core over the weekend by a 10-page memo criticizing the web giant’s lack of diversity when it comes to political ideology.
The missive, penned by engineer James Damore — who has since been fired — described the corporation as a Left-wing “echo chamber” that shuts out and discriminates against conservatives.
Damore “confirmed his dismissal in an email, saying that he had been fired for ‘perpetuating gender stereotypes,’” Zero Hedge reported, adding:
The document’s author also wrote that employees with conservative political beliefs are discriminated against at Google and lamented about how “leftist” ideology is harmful. It argued that the company should have a more “open” culture where its viewpoint would be welcomed. The document said that improving racial and gender diversity is less important than making sure conservatives feel comfortable expressing themselves at work.
And while Damore’s firing shows just how non-diverse Google’s corporate culture really is, others who work for the media giant have made similar observations. (Related: Facebook, too, is in the habit of blocking posts it doesn’t agree with.)
In a series of interviews with Breitbart News, current Google employees who spoke anonymously said that the company’s management regularly engages in “witch hunts” while ‘blacklisting’ employees they don’t agree with.
“Witch hunts are a well-known cultural problem at Google,” one employee named “Hal” told the news site, in describing work culture at Google.
“Several managers have openly admitted to keeping blacklists of the employees in question, and preventing them from seeking work at other companies,” Hal continued. “There have been numerous cases in which social justice activists coordinated attempts to sabotage other employees’ performance reviews for expressing a different opinion. These have been raised to the Senior VP level, with no action taken whatsoever.”
Hal added: “A lot of social justice activists essentially spend all day fighting the culture war and get nothing done. For conservative employees, this is obviously demoralizing, but it is also dangerous. Several have been driven out of the company or fired outright for sharing a dissenting view. Others have had their promotions denied or suffered other forms of deniable retaliation. Most of us just keep our heads down because we can’t afford to lose our jobs.”
The employee also added that on numerous occasions “SJW’s” (social justice warriors) have gotten together on the company’s intranet to gang up on those who have defied Alt-Left ideological narratives. “The first one I remember is when Kelly Ellis made unfounded allegations of sexual harassment against her former manager, and Google terminated the manager in response to the internal SJW outrage,” Hal noted.
“This was similar in intensity to the current witch hunt. Anyone who sympathized with the manager’s plight or asked for any sort of due process was ‘counseled’ by HR (human resources) and told that they were creating a hostile workplace for women and minorities by sticking up for a harasser,” said Hal.
The employee also noted that Google was very pro-censorship when it came to diverse political and social views — something extremely hypocritical for a supposed “media” company.
“The pro-censorship voices are very loud, and they have the management’s ear. The anti-censorship people are afraid of retaliation, and people are afraid to openly support them because everyone in their management chain is constantly signaling their allegiance to far-left ideology,” Hal noted.
What’s really hypocritical, albeit predictably so, is that Damore’s memo was labeled “anti-diversity” by the same corporate Leftists who claim they seek “diversity” within the workforce.
“Liberals are so averse to hearing the truth about the world in which they exist, they reflexively recoil at any attempt to shake them out of their comfort zone and generally respond with anger and denial,” The National Sentinel observed. “And, in the case of Google’s ‘diversity’ chief, with the decidedly anti-diverse reaction of firing the truth-teller.”
J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for NaturalNews.com and NewsTarget.com, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.
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Tagged Under: Tags: Alphabet, anti-conservative, Censorship, Google, hypocrites, left-wing culture, politically correct, retaliation, SJW, social engineering