Tuesday, August 15, 2017 by Mike Adams
The violence on America’s streets must end, and that means the overt censorship of conservative voices by Google, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter must also end. It is time to regulate internet gatekeepers and outlaw their politically-motivated censorship of anyone who doesn’t conform to the obedient cult-like demands of the intolerant Left.
The events over the past few days have proven beyond any doubt that the bias, distortions and lies of the left-wing media are far more dangerous to America than any violent individual whacko. The very same media that celebrated President Obama following every outbreak of Black Lives Matter violence in America somehow condemns Trump when a mentally ill individual with a history of psychiatric medications goes off the deep end and commits murder. Yet to hear the left-wing media tell the story, somehow it’s all Trump’s fault.
“Political totalitarianism is coming to America, and it is being ushered in not by government thugs in jackboots but by progressive activists and their allies in Silicon Valley,” warns Lifezette.com. “In a chilling oped published in The New York Times on July 14, Lisa Feldman Barrett, a professor of psychology at Northeastern University, argued that so-called “hate speech” is the same thing as physical violence because it may possibly cause emotionally fragile individuals stress — and should be made illegal.”
The echo chamber of the illogical, irrational and enraged Left — the liberal mob — is magnified by the selective censorship of internet gatekeepers like Google and Facebook, all of which are engaged in the most outrageous distortions and censorship imaginable, deliberately silencing all conservative voices while amplifying left-wing channels and (fake) news sources, no matter how dishonest or hypocritical they are. This is all part of a deliberate scheme to silence open debate and suppress the voices of conservatives, heterosexuals, White people or Christians in order to favor lunatic left-wing culture that’s rooted in delusional thinking, anti-science “biology” and intense racism, bigotry and hatred toward anyone who doesn’t bow down to their totalitarianism cult.
As Paul Craig Roberts wisely explains:
The liberal/progressive/left along with the media has abandoned the working class for Identity Politics. Identity Politics teaches that women, blacks, and homosexuals are all victims of white heterosexual males who are characterized as the victimizer class, that is, those who victimize others. The doctrine delegitimizes white heterosexual males in the same way that Nazi doctrine delegitimizes Jews and communist doctrine delegitimizes capitalists. There is no difference.
The liberal/progressive/left asserts that everyone knows that Robert E. Lee was an evil racist who fought for slavery and everyone who wants to protect his statue is obviously the same. Such people deserve no voice, no vote. They must be excluded from public discussion.
Imagine saying this about any other group, especially women, blacks, and homosexuals. How is it possible for the liberal/progressive/left to really believe that they are oppressed by powerful white male heterosexuals when they can demonize white males at will and prevent any backtalk?
As another example of the kind of intellectual dishonesty and seething hatred now routinely spouted by the Left — and amplified by Google and Facebook — consider the rantings of former Democratic congresswoman Donna Edwards, as reported by PJ Media:
Donna Edwards, a former Democratic congresswoman and now MSNBC contributor, said that Heather Hayer was run over and killed at the Charlottesville counter-protest “on behalf of President Trump.”
This wildly dishonest, hate-filled equating of President Trump with the actions of a medicated, insane Hitler supporter is given prominence and credibility by Google and Facebook, while all independent media voices that point out the insanity and danger of the Left’s baseless accusations are silenced, penalized or banned altogether. Censorship is totally out of control across the tech giants of America, and they are now run like cults where merely asking reasonable questions gets you censored.
As brilliantly explained by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic:
Repression is when you get shot for telling the truth. Totalitarianism is when you get shot for asking questions.
You can have equal treatment or preferential treatment, but you can’t have both… A cherished goal of the diversity drones is to get the unfavored group to applaud not just the drones’ enlightened moral status, but to pretend that the favored group does just as good a job as the unfavored one, and that diversity of secondary traits (but not, evidently, diversity of thought) itself confers a benefit. It’s a subset of an “optics” problem that besets the entire redistributive racket: how do you get unfavored producers not just to go along with the scam and keep producing unearned benefits for the racketeers and redistributees, but to pretend they like it?
Indeed, it is the now-systematic censorship of the voices of reason — the independent media — that poses the greatest danger to peace and stability in this country. It appears that Google, Facebook and Twitter are deliberately trying to plunge America into a civil war so that they can blame Trump for the carnage. “Google not only has difficulty empathizing with other points of view — it is also actively trying to suppress them,” reports Lifezette.com. “People familiar with the process have told reporters recently that YouTube, a subsidiary of Google, is also laboring to cleanse its platform of alternative voices that challenge the mainstream liberal narrative. The social media video-sharing site has in the past few months systematically demonetized videos of right-wing commenters and journalists, such as Infowars editor-at-large Paul Joseph Watson and former Rebel Media reporter Lauren Southern.”
That’s why it’s time to regulate internet monopolists and enact a “content neutrality” law that bars large internet corporations from selectively silencing websites and video channels they don’t like for purely political reasons.
My video explains more, revealing why censorship will lead America toward civil war, and if there is a civil war, the offices of Google and Facebook will most almost certainly be targeted first by pro-America forces seeking to end the tyranny and censorship of the Left that’s tearing this country apart. Join the March on Google this Saturday, August 19th, to protest Google censorship and oppression.
To overcome censorship, read Censored.news daily. Use GoodGopher.com as your news search engine, and stop using Google and Facebook altogether. (They’re mostly just front-ends for the NSA anyway. They exist to spy on you while you voluntarily hand over all your most sensitive data, including search phrases, the identities of all your friends, your daily habits and whereabouts, etc.)
Tagged Under: Tags: Censorship, demonetization, dissent, Facebook, free speech, Google, internet gatekeepers, oppression, techno tyranny, Technocracy, totalitarianism, Twitter, YouTube