Sunday, September 17, 2017 by JD Heyes
It’s difficult for me to even fathom having to write this story on so many levels, so I’ll just go through them one by one.
First, the obvious: Anal sex and teenagers should never be spoken of in the same breath, in the same sentence. Call me old-fashioned, but no father should ever have to worry about his daughter experiencing this sexual act, let alone when she’s still a teenager — so to my way of thinking, this subject matter should never be published in a pop culture magazine designed for teens. [Or have things changed that much since my kids were that young?]
In any event, the perverts who edit, monitor and censor at Twitter are apparently just as bad as the pervs at Teen Vogue, because they just kicked off a user and mother who chastised the magazine’s editor, Phillip Picardi, “for teaching kids sodomy.”
Writer Elizabeth Johnston, who writes at “The Activist Mommy” website, tweeted this message after discovering Teen Vogue’s content: “Congrats Phillip! A sodomite mag just awarded you for teaching kids sodomy. Way to recruit there @TheAdvocateMag!” [The Advocate is a magazine that caters to gays and lesbians, as well as the LGBT community].
As reported by PJ Media, Picardi okayed for publication a guide to anal sex for teen girls in a recent issue. Needless to say, parents everywhere were shaken, disturbed, and upset at something that was, quite frankly, an act of pure stupidity.
So what was Picardi’s tweeted response? To give everyone the finger while kissing another man.
In conclusion, here's my only reply I'll be giving to any of the messages. 🌈 pic.twitter.com/KiFjVqLlH3
— Phillip Picardi (@pfpicardi) July 14, 2017
Nice, huh?
Needless to say, Picardi wasn’t banned by Twitter. Or censored. Or limited. Or anything.
Because when it comes the destruction of decency, morality, and traditional American cultural mores, the Alt-Left gets a free pass from the like-minded morons who run tech and media companies.
Writes Megan Fox at PJ Media:
If Phillip Picardi doesn’t like the word “sodomy,” then why is he publishing articles encouraging young girls to practice it? And why is a gay magazine handing him awards for doing it? That does seem rather strange, doesn’t it? I can only guess that Johnston got suspended for using the words “sodomite” and “sodomy” instead of “gay” and “anal sex” and thus angering the gaystappo who appear to run social media.
Exactly right. Because Johnston is a Christian who believes in the Bible’s teachings regarding homosexuality and aberrant sexual behavior, her account is the one that gets banned. Or censored. Or limited. (Related: Facebook to become left-wing propaganda echo chamber with Orwellian plan to label independent journalism “fake”)
“We have determined that this account violated the Twitter Rules, so we’ve temporarily limited some of your account features,” said a message from the gaystoppo. “While in this state, you can still browse Twitter, but you’re limited to only sending Direct Messages to your followers — no Tweets, Retweets, or likes.”
The ban was for 12 hours.
“Of course,” writes Johnston, “actual videos of children being abused can be found on Twitter. But calling out an editor for promoting teen sodomy is worth a suspension?
“While leftists accuse The Activist Mommy of wanting society to become ‘A Handmaid’s Tale,’ they are the ones taking us back to the dark ages through infanticide — all with the approval of Silicon Valley.”
Twitter’s anti-conservative Nazis aren’t alone in the world of social media. Google and Facebook are equally guilty of equating conservative, pro-Trump speech and support with “racism” and “bigotry” and then using their contrived narrative as the impetus to ban or censure political speech the sensitive Lefties can’t deal with (or adequately refute — which is why they name-call instead of debate).
It’s time conservatives, libertarians, and political independents who respect and defend American principles, liberties, freedoms, and values abandon these Leftist social media sites that are owned and operated by people who seek to distort or destroy everything that made our country great. There are alternatives.
J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for NaturalNews.com and NewsTarget.com, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.
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Tagged Under: Tags: Activist Mommy, Alt-Left, anal sex, banned, Censored, Censorship, Christian, Conservative, Guide, Social media, Teen Vogue, Twitter