Friday, January 26, 2018 by Jayson Veley
When the government has enough power to determine which citizens are allowed to access certain content on the Internet and which citizens are not, we are no longer living in a free society; we are living under an emerging totalitarian state, quite similar to the old Soviet Union.
As reported on FrontPageMag.com, one of their readers, who happens to be a U.S. Army officer, provided them with a screenshot “showing that The People’s Cube has been blocked by the DoD Enterprise-Level Protection System due to ‘hate and racism’ – a blatantly false label applied by someone on the government payroll, whose salary comes out of our taxes.”
In other words, left-wing kooks within the Department of Justice (likely still there from the Obama administration) are now blocking websites from being viewed by members of the military. The reason why this is so shameful and outrageous is because our brave men and women fighting in the military are the reason why we have freedom in America in the first place, and that includes the freedom from an overly intrusive and regulatory federal government. The fact that the very men who fight and die for our liberty can’t even enjoy it when they arrive back home is a disgrace.
This story published by FrontPageMag.com is unfortunately just part of a much larger attempt by the liberals both within Washington D.C. and Silicon Valley to censor content that does not align with the progressive agenda. In many ways, they are waging a war against the freedom of speech and the First Amendment, and as a result, individuals are finding it more and more difficult to express thoughts and opinions that may be considered by some to be “controversial” or “offensive.”
There are numerous examples of giant, Internet-based companies like Google, Facebook and Twitter infringing on conservatives’ rights to either access or produce right-of-center content. In October of last year, for example, Twitter censored a pro-life ad published by Tennessee Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn because it allegedly contained content that did not adhere to the social media platform’s guidelines, even though to most conservatives it’s obvious that the move was purely political.
As reported by Breitbart News, Twitter explained to Rep. Blackburn’s campaign team that “the line in this video specific to ‘stopped the sale of baby body parts’ has been deemed an inflammatory statement that is likely to evoke a strong negative reaction. If this is omitted from the video it will be permitted to serve.” So, in other words, Rep. Blackburn was left with a choice between circling back and cutting out a portion of her ad, or having her ad banned from Twitter entirely.
In the past, the international video-sharing website YouTube (which is owned by Google) has also been caught censoring and explicitly targeting users that produce conservative content. Diamond and Silk, the popular pro-Trump duo known for their energetic and humorous videos, have seen many of their videos demonetized in recent months, meaning that they can no longer make money off of advertisements. (Related: Google insiders are warning that “outright censorship” of the Internet is Google’s top priority.)
Additionally, conservative journalist Lauren Southern has also had her content targeted by YouTube. “I think it would be insane to suggest there’s not an active effort to censor conservative and independent news,” she explained in an interview with the Daily Caller, adding that their “entire model is based around a far left outline.” (Related: If Facebook and Google are not regulated, their politically-motivated censorship will lead to open warfare in the streets.)
It’s difficult at times to believe that we still live in the United States of America, a land known for individual freedom and God-given inalienable rights. People are being told which websites they can and cannot access, what kind of content is permitted and what is not, and who gets to benefit from the freedom of speech and who is to be suppressed. The worst part is that, sadly, it appears to be getting worse.
Visit Censorship.news for more reporting on content censorship.
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Tagged Under: Tags: Censorship, Department of Defense, First Amendment, free speech, regulation