Tuesday, January 30, 2018 by Jayson Veley
Once again, we have another story about left-wing politicians introducing gun control legislation that has absolutely nothing to do with mass shootings or gun-related crime.
As reported by AmmoLand.com, democratic Hawaii Senator Karl Rhoads has introduced legislation that would establish a ban on modifications that law-abiding citizens commonly make to their firearms.
While it is still pending a committee referral, SB 2046 would make it a crime to own, manufacture, possess, sell, barter, trade, gift, transfer or acquire a firearm accessory that can be used to increase the gun’s rate of fire. Such accessories include competition triggers, muzzle brakes, and ergonomic changes, all of which are modifications that law-abiding gun owners commonly make to their firearms. If this legislation passes, those who modify their guns using any of the previously mentioned accessories will automatically become a criminal.
Whenever liberal politicians introduce gun control legislation like SB 2046, you’ll notice that they never provide the people with any facts or evidence that proves that their new law will actually be a solution to the problem. Senator Rhoads likely hasn’t put forward any studies or research that indicates that a ban on certain firearm modifications would decrease gun-related crime, and yet he has absolutely no problem pushing the legislation through Congress and infringing on citizens’ Second Amendment rights anyway.
The same goes for when liberals argue that we need to pass legislation to close the so-called “gun show loophole,” even though there is no evidence whatsoever that suggests that reforming the way in which firearms are sold at gun shows will decrease gun-related crime.
Not surprisingly, this is hardly the first time that the liberal state of Hawaii has infringed on the peoples’ right to keep and bear arms. Last November, it was reported that Hawaii police were asking medical marijuana users to voluntarily surrender their firearms and ammunition, even if they have not violated any laws or committed any crimes.
“This letter is to inform you that under the provisions of the Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS), Section 134-7(a) you are disqualified from firearms ownership, possession or controlling firearms,” reads a letter that was sent out to local medical marijuana patients. “Your medical marijuana use disqualifies you from ownership or firearms and ammunition.”
The letter continues, “If you currently own or have any firearms, you have 30 days upon receipt of this letter to voluntarily surrender your firearms, permit, and ammunition to the Honolulu Police Department (HPD) or otherwise transfer ownership. A medical doctor’s clearance letter is required for any further firearms applications or return of firearms from HPD evidence.” (Related: Is cannabis legalization a gateway to gun confiscation?)
What the state of Hawaii is essentially saying by distributing these letters is that the God-given right to keep and bear arms as outlined in the United States Constitution doesn’t apply to those who use medical marijuana. Apparently, the liberal politicians that run the state missed the part of the Second Amendment that reads “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”
All across the country, the progressives are waging a war on individual freedom by insisting that more and more citizens be separated from their firearms, even if they followed the law and obtained them properly. They tell us that their proposed laws are in our own best interests, and that they are only trying to prevent mass shootings and gun-related crime, but we the people know the truth – that the progressives hate the idea of individualism and self-governance. In their minds, the people are just too stupid to make decisions for themselves. They know what’s best. (Related: Gun control is incredibly popular among people who live under tyranny and oppression – don’t they get it?)
This is exactly the mentality that conservatives and patriots need to somehow do away with. If we don’t, then our God-given rights will continue to be infringed upon by the very people who are supposed to be representing us. Find more news on gun rights and gun control at Guns.news.
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Tagged Under: Tags: big government, Constitutional rights, firearms, gun control, Hawaii, Second Amendment, Tyranny