Megan McCain to “leaker” Adam Schiff: Put up evidence of collusion or shut up

Monday, March 05, 2018 by

Normally I don’t have much to say about ABC’s “The View” because I find that its hosts — especially Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg — are banal, empty-headed Leftists who have the brain power of an amoeba when it comes to discussing our nation’s most pressing social and political issues.

But sometimes — just sometimes — the show serves a public interest and Thursday March 1st’s episode was one of those rare exceptions.

There were two guests on the program — Condoleezza Rice, former national security advisor to President George W. Bush; and Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., the minority leader on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

The subject, as always on these broadcast network Left-wing pseudo-news programs these days, was “Trump collusion with Russia.”

As you probably know, Schiff’s committee — led by the very capable and competent Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif. — is one of a few other congressional committees (and the Justice Department…and special counsel Robert Mueller) investigating this massive nothing burger.

I say nothing burger because there hasn’t been any evidence yet found of actual Trump-Russia collusion; and that’s because there isn’t any (as emphasized by Russian President Vladimir Putin’s announcement to Russian leaders last week that his country now possesses a nuclear-tipped ICBM that can defeat all U.S. missile defenses). Trust me — if such evidence did exist it would have been leaked mightily to the American Pravda media by now, and quite likely by Schiff himself.

And yet, Schiff — like other Democrats — continues to insist that there was collusion, by golly, and he’s aware of plenty of evidence that proves as much.

Well, Ms. McCain — the only one on The View who has any semblance of political or common sense (as well she should given her father has been in Washington, D.C. for decades) — challenged Adam’s ‘Bull-Schiff’ and, as she likely suspected, caught him flat-footed.

As reported by The Daily Caller, McCain wanted to know why Schiff continues to say there is evidence when he can’t produce any and his committee hasn’t, either (for the record Nunes says the committee hasn’t seen any).

Schiff answered with many words — none of which substantiated his claim.

“I think, at this time, it’s difficult for me and many Americans to differentiate between what is overhype and what isn’t,” McCain said.

“You have said on more than one occasion you have seen ample evidence of the Trump campaign’s Russia collusion. Last March you said you had more than circumstantial evidence of collusion with Russia. What were you referring to and please be specific because if it’s true Americans have a right to know a year later what that is?”

“I certainly said there’s ample evidence of collusion,” he said. “I never used the word treason. Only Steve Bannon used that word. If you look at the facts that are already in the public domain, they’re pretty damning starting with George Papadopoulos,” Schiff said. (Related: House Intel Chair: DEMS involved in massive cover-up of Obama admin spying on Trump campaign.)

“We know that Papadopoulos was approached by the Russians and told back in April of the election year before the Clinton campaign knew that the Russians had stolen and DNC e-mails and we also know they previewed their anonymous dissemination of those e-mails with Papadopoulos back in April,” he continued.

Yeah. And?

“Now it was only weeks later that the Russians made a second approach to the Trump campaign, this time at the highest levels at Trump Tower in a meeting that they previewed by saying that they wanted to offer incriminating information about Hillary,” he said.

“The Russians” amounted to a Russian lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, who, by the way, met with Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson before and after that Trump Tower meeting (which was brief at best).

Fusion GPS commissioned the bogus “Trump dossier” written by former British spy Christopher Steele, who was fed BS by Russian operatives.

The dossier was paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

Conclusion: There was ‘Russian collusion’ during the 2016 election cycle — between Clinton and the DNC, Schiff’s party. That’s why he keeps deflecting the attention back to Trump.

J.D. Heyes is editor of The National Sentinel and a senior writer for Natural News and News Target.

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