Thursday, March 15, 2018 by Jayson Veley
This past weekend, Breitbart’s John Nolte pointed out yet another instance of political censorship from the social media giant Twitter, and this time, their target happened to be one of the most popular websites on the Internet.
“Look at how Twitter censors @Drudge,” Nolte wrote. “90% of tweets are blocked.” In addition to this message, Nolte published several screen shots of the Drudge Report’s Twitter account, which featured a number of blocked posts with the message, “This Tweet is not available because it includes potentially sensitive content.”
The controversy also drew the attention of House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes, who wrote on Twitter, “I’ve noticed this also… Seems like @DRUDGE_REPORT @DRUDGE being censored by Twitter. PLEASE RETWEET if you’ve seen this happen in your feed!” At the time of this article’s publication, Nunes’ tweet had been retweeted over 13,000 times.
It’s not exactly a secret that Twitter (along with several other social media sites) routinely suppresses conservative content. This sort of political censorship was on full display last year when Twitter blocked a pro-life ad put out by Rep. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee. After Blackburn’s team demanded answers as to why the ad was censored, Twitter responded: “It appears that the line in this video specific to ‘stopped the sale of baby body parts’ has been deemed an inflammatory statement that is likely to evoke a strong negative reaction. If this is omitted from the video it will be permitted to serve.” (Related: This undercover video of Twitter engineers reveals tech giants have devolved into dangerous left-wing censorship regimes.)
Natural News has been reporting on the censorship of conservative voices on the Internet for quite some time now, and with all of the facts and information out on the table, the question that we now have to ask ourselves is this: What will happen to our society if we allow this assault on the First Amendment to continue?
As Stefan Stanford of All News Pipeline put it in an article published just days ago, should this pattern of Internet suppression and political censorship continue, then much like what happened during the time of the Soviet Union, “there is likely nothing that would be able to stop the carnage in America that would be sure to follow.” Additionally, Ben Swann elaborated on this ongoing censorship of conservatives and supporters of Donald Trump in a recent video, which you can watch below:
There is always a limit to how much tyranny the American people will take. If the censorship on sites like Twitter and Facebook continues, and conservative voices continue to be shut down for no reason other than refusing to subscribe to the liberal ideology, then there will come a day when the American people will become fed up and revolt. (Related: Thankfully, legislation has been proposed to force Facebook and Twitter to stop censoring conservatives.)
It’s worth noting that the purpose of the First Amendment and the freedom of speech isn’t to just give people the ability to hop on the Internet and post any absurd or nonsensical comment that they want; it’s meant to encourage debate and ultimately help our country prosper. When conservatives post messages or articles on social media sites like Twitter, it encourages others who disagree to engage in discussion – and political conversations is what this country was founded upon.
How can the United States possibly grow and prosper if an entire mindset – that is, the conservative mindset – is routinely suppressed or silenced on the Internet? How is it possible to be the strongest and most advanced nation we can be if only one side of the political spectrum is allowed to voice their opinions? This Internet censorship coming from the left is more than just an attack on conservatives; it’s an attack on America’s future.
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Tagged Under: Tags: Censorship, drudge, Drudge Report, First Amendment, free speech, Glitch, intolerance, techno tyranny, Twitter, Tyranny