Wednesday, March 28, 2018 by Mike Adams
The latest censorship insult from YouTube has just arrived: YouTube has just issued a strike and banned a Natural News video entitled, “Pandemic Preparedness FREE Online How To Course Episode 12.”
The video, which you can see at this link (or watch below), teaches people how to survive a pandemic outbreak when antibiotics are useless and vaccines don’t even exist. The discussion in this particular video centered around “remaining calm” during a pandemic outbreak that causes many people to panic.
According to YouTube, teaching people how to survive a pandemic and remain calm “violates our guidelines” and gets banned.
This is what YouTube has now become: a technology overlord that interferes with lifesaving information by banning some of the most helpful channels that contribute to saving lives in outbreaks, natural disasters and other emergencies. YouTube literally wants its viewers to die rather than view a Health Ranger video containing lifesaving information. That’s why I’m launching REAL.video, as a YouTube alternative video community, by the way. It launches this July 4th, Independence Day. I also currently have a channel on Steemit: https://steemit.com/@healthranger
Here’s the screen shot of the YouTube ban message:
And here’s the video YouTube banned, available on Vimeo. As you watch it, ask yourself: What could possibly “violate community guidelines” about this valuable, lifesaving video?
YouTube has become a clear and present danger to our democracy and our safety.
Tagged Under: Tags: Censorship, insanity, outbreak, pandemic, preparedness, survival, Tyranny, YouTube