Thursday, April 12, 2018 by JD Heyes
It’s become crystal clear that the once-esteemed federal law enforcement institutions in our country have been so thoroughly politicized and corrupted by the last administration they no longer function as designed and as such have lost all legitimacy.
The FBI raid of Trump lawyer Michael Cohen’s New York office this week, in which reams of privileged communications between a presidential client and his attorney have likely been unlawfully obtained, has longtime politicos and legal observers shaking their heads in disbelief.
A flabbergasted Newt Gingrich, a former House Speaker who was around for President Bill Clinton’s impeachment, told Fox News’ morning program, “Fox & Friends,” on Wednesday that the raid makes it clear special counsel Robert Mueller — who referred alleged evidence prompting the Cohen raid to the Southern District of New York — has nothing on President Donald J. Trump as it pertains to his “collusion” with Russia.
No evidence exists, mind you, because “collusion” never happened. If it had, someone would have leaked it by now.
So instead, Mueller is busting minor Trump campaign figures for things unrelated to the campaign and Russia (though Ukraine seems to be a common theme). And in the meantime, Gingrich said, Mueller’s team has “gone off trying to find ways to create noise,” The Gateway Pundit reported.
Regarding the original charge of collusion, “Mueller has come up with a big fat zero and we ought to be honest about that,” Gingrich noted further. “The president ought to relax, focus on being president.”
He also lashed out at Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, whom Trump appointed to his post.
“The fact is that Rosenstein has not done his job. He has not supervised Mueller” as he is required to do, the former speaker noted. “This whole thing is an absurdity.”
He continued:
We’ve now had, Paul Manafort and his wife, in their pajamas at 3 o’clock in the morning having the FBI break down the door. We’ve had this last week Cohen the lawyer had the door taken off the hinges at 6 in the morning. Show me one occasion where out of all the different crimes committed by the Clintons and their staff they ever had that kind of treatment. The fact is this is a left-wing bureaucracy of justice. It is anti-Trump. It is anti-Republican.
Those are tactics that “Stalin” would use or “the Gestapo in [Nazi] Germany,” said Gingrich.
Mr. Speaker didn’t spare fired FBI Director James Comey, either.
“Comey is off grandstanding,” Gingrich said regarding his current book tour and an upcoming appearance on ABC with Clinton sycophant (and former staffer) George Stephanopoulos. “But the truth is he didn’t do his job in the Bush administration, he colluded with Schumer to embarrass President Bush. The truth is he appointed a special counsel during the Bush administration that ran wild. And the truth is he failed to prosecute the people in the Clinton campaign.”
Alan Dershowitz, no flaming conservative by any means but certainly a rule-of-law Harvard law professor, noted in an interview with the UK’s Daily Mail that it was “rare” for the FBI to serve such no-knock warrants against a high-profile subject (the president’s lawyer qualifies as ‘high-profile’).
Mueller knows this. Rosenstein knows this. And everyone involved in this scandalous “Trump-collusion” investigation knows that was a bogus charge based on a bogus document (the “Russia dossier”) that was bought and paid for by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s campaign.
So why isn’t she being investigated by Mueller? Of course, we all know that answer to that question.
Because this entire probe is a politically motivated farce with one purpose: To bring down a duly-elected president the Deep State fears.
Read more at DeepState.news.
J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for NaturalNews.com and NewsTarget.com, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.
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Tagged Under: Tags: corruption, deep state, early morning, FBI, Fourth Amendment, Gestapo, lawyer-client privilege, legal violations, Michael Cohen, Newt Gingrich, no-knock raid, Paul Manafort, personal lawyer, President Donald Trump, President Trump, Robert Mueller, Rod Rosenstein, secret police, Sixth Amendment, special counsel, Tyranny, unconstitutional, White House