Tuesday, April 24, 2018 by Jayson Veley
If you pay attention to the severe constitutional violations surrounding the ongoing gun debate, it really is quite shocking. Not only are the liberals infringing upon First Amendment rights by trying to silence those who speak or write about guns on the Internet (i.e. YouTube), but they are also now looking to do away with the Fifth Amendment in order to further do away with the Second Amendment. Why? Because to the progressive left, the Constitution is irrelevant and utterly meaningless.
It’s true: The Second Amendment is being targeted and the Fifth Amendment is stuck in the crosshairs. This warning comes from one of the nation’s best-known advocates for the Second Amendment, Michael Hammond of the group Gun Owners of America, who explained that there is a new push coming from the left to introduce “star chamber” courtroom proceedings, which involves a prosecutor and a judge withdrawing your constitutional rights because someone claims you are a danger. (Related: The real goal of eliminating the Second Amendment is to obliterate the First Amendment and enslave us all.)
“These Gun Confiscation Orders would allow police or angry relatives to convene a secret star-chamber proceeding and get permission to ransack your house and seize your guns without any due process whatsoever,” Hammond explained. “Although the various proposals differ in details, they all follow a pattern.”
Hammond made it clear that both your Second Amendment rights and your Fifth Amendment due process rights would be put in jeopardy: “You won’t get a trial by jury before your guns are taken – or a trial of any sort, for that matter. You won’t even be able to get your attorney before the judge. The accuser will be the ONLY ONE in the room. And so the court is almost always going to issue the confiscation order.” (Related: If gun rights are lost, other constitutional rights will quickly follow.)
In other words, if a bunch of leftists know that you own a gun and don’t like it, they can claim that you are a danger, at which point a judge could deny you your due process rights and take some sort of action that would infringe on your God-given right to bear arms, up to and including complete confiscation.
Many conservatives and constitutionalists were worried this past February when President Trump, in a strange departure from his typical stance on firearms and the Second Amendment, declared his support for the idea of taking guns first and going through due process second. This surprised millions of Americans, and was an odd yet alarming statement from someone who is otherwise a firm believer in the right of the people to keep and bear arms.
Time and time again, the liberals tell us that they are not out to take away anyone’s firearms. Yet whether it’s through secretive “star chamber” courtroom proceedings or simply calls to ban semi-automatic rifles like the AR-15, their intentions are abundantly clear – they want fewer firearms in the hands of the American people, including citizens who have followed the law and have never committed any crimes.
Just a few weeks ago, it was reported that an Illinois town just outside of Chicago successfully passed a ban on assault rifles (like the AR-15 and similar firearms) and “large-capacity magazines.” Residents of the liberal-leaning town of Deerfield now have until June 13 to remove any firearms that they are no longer permitted to have by law or face a fine of anywhere between $250 and $1000 per day. Clearly, the Second Amendment and the private property rights of the people of Deerfield were all but thrown out the window.
The Constitution is under attack all across the country on multiple different levels. It is time for the people to make a stand, or risk losing their freedoms forever.
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Tagged Under: Tags: big government, due process, Fifth Amendment, firearms, gun control, Liberty, Second Amendment, secret proceedings, Tyranny