Monday, May 14, 2018 by JD Heyes
Just when we think that the Obama administration couldn’t get any more corrupt than it was, we learn new information that proves us wrong.
That said, and before reading further, I want you to put aside any political partisanship or negative feelings you may harbor towards President Donald J. Trump and his administration and simply absorb this information. It’s that important. And if something isn’t done, it’s going to be game-changing.
If you’ve been following the trials and tribulations of the Trump campaign and the subsequent administration, you already know that the Obama White House spied on Team Trump throughout most of the candidate’s campaign and into his administration.
We know that it was a counterintelligence operation, not a criminal investigation (that was what Hillary Clinton was subjected to, sort of).
We also know that Obama knew the operation was taking place because presidents are briefed daily about such operations. And while he may have taken a ‘hands-off’ approach regarding the nuts-and-bolts of daily activity, he was definitely aware of what was happening.
Now we learn that not only was much of the Deep State and government — the establishment media, the intelligence community, and the Justice Department — politicized and weaponized against Trump, someone actually placed a spy inside the Trump campaign.
Inside the presidential campaign of a political rival. Let that sink in. (Related: Deep State tool Robert Mueller has a long history of targeting innocent people, which explains why he was picked to go after POTUS Trump.)
As reported by The Wall Street Journal’s Kimberley Strassel, the chairmen of the House Intelligence Committee and House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Reps. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., and Trey Gowdy, respectively, have been all but beating down the doors of Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to get unredacted documents that are vital to their ongoing investigations into Obama-era corruption.
It makes sense why Rosenstein would be stonewalling; he was around the Justice Department during Obama’s tenure. Why Sessions is stonewalling is another matter. It can’t be due to his recusal from the “Russia” investigation because this is a congressional oversight matter to which he is duty-bound to respond.
In any event, in the course of their ongoing probes, the pair have learned that the Obamaites likely placed someone inside the Trump campaign as a spy — just the same as they would place a human intelligence (HUMINT) asset inside a foreign government or entity, and for the same purpose, to gather intelligence.
As The National Sentinel noted earlier this week, it seems as though everyone else — the Washington Post, special counsel Robert Mueller, Rosenstein, and Sessions — are aware of who the spy is. Why House committee chairmen with the highest security clearances and constitutional oversight are not being permitted to see the evidence — and other information as well — is outrageous in and of itself.
As to the spy, Strassel wrote:
House investigators nonetheless sniffed out a name, and Mr. Nunes in recent weeks issued a letter and a subpoena demanding more details. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s response was to double down—accusing the House of “extortion” and delivering a speech in which he claimed that “declining to open the FBI’s files to review” is a constitutional “duty.” Justice asked the White House to back its stonewall. And it even began spinning that daddy of all superspook arguments—that revealing any detail about this particular asset could result in “loss of human lives.”
This is desperation, and it strongly suggests that whatever is in these files is going to prove very uncomfortable to the FBI.
Even if you’re not a supporter of the president, imagine for a moment this is 2020 and Trump does to his Democratic opponent what Obama did to him. Then ask yourself this all-important, “Where does politicization of the government’s extremely powerful intelligence and investigatory apparatuses end?”
Because if it doesn’t, the American people at some point will stop trusting government altogether and, soon after, stop obeying government altogether.
What happens after that should be obvious.
Read more about Deep State corruption at DeepState.news.
J.D. Heyes is also editor-in-chief of The National Sentinel.
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