Tuesday, May 22, 2018 by Mike Adams
We do not live in a democracy, and we’re not subject to mob rule. We actually live in a constitutional Republic, where individual liberties are protected against the mob, making sure that our liberties cannot be eliminated by a deranged mob, no matter how animated its hatred or lunacy.
Those rights, of course, include the Second Amendment.
And yet, the deranged, lawless Left believes that if enough of them start screaming like lunatics, demanding to violate the rights of the individual, that they can confiscate all guns from law-abiding Americans by invoking — and this is not a joke — government thugs with guns.
In other words, the lunatic Left somehow believes that guns are so bad, they should be monopolized in the hands of the least trusted sector of society: the government.
Furthermore, the lunatic Left also believes that government should use coercion and the threat of violence to disarm law-abiding citizens who have committed no crimes whatsoever. That’s because being a leftist is now synonymous with advocating authoritarianism. Leftists have become fanatical zealots who despise individual liberty.
Thank goodness our Founding Fathers recognized the madness of crowds and the threat of deranged, lunatic mobs (also known as “Demoncrats”). That’s why they enshrined the protection of individual liberties via the Bill of Rights.
Watch my full video to learn more:
To learn more about gun rights, read SecondAmendment.news. Join the upcoming REAL.video platform to exercise pro-2A free speech that’s being banned everywhere else.
Tagged Under: Tags: democracy, freedom, gun rights, left cult, Liberal Mob, Liberty, lunatic mob, mob rule, republic, school shootings, Second Amendment, self-defense, Tyranny