Tuesday, June 05, 2018 by JD Heyes
The Leftist-Marxists running the state of New York are so consumed with hatred for President Donald Trump — who’s from there — that they are losing whatever perspective they had left following his victory over another resident, Hillary Clinton.
On Thursday, after reports broke that POTUS Trump was pardoning conservative activist, author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza, the authoritarians at the New York Attorney General’s Office immediately tweeted that they would love to see a new state law giving them authority to unjustifiably jail people who’ve been pardoned for federal crimes.
“In fact,” writes Ben Shapiro at The Daily Wire, “they’d like to violate the constitutional prohibition on double jeopardy” contained in the Fifth Amendment. “Yes, really,” he added.
The Office of New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood — who just took over from former AG Eric Schneiderman after he was outed as being a serial abuser of women — tweeted this statement, in part:
President Trump’s latest pardon makes crystal clear his willingness to use his pardon power to thwart the cause of justice, rather than advance it. By pardoning Dinesh D’Souza, President Trump is undermining the rule of law by pardoning a political supporter who is an unapologetic convicted felon. First it was Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Then it was Scooter Libby. Now it’s Dinesh D’Souza. We can’t afford to wait to see who will be next.
So what does the ‘honorable’ AG Underwood want to see happen?
Lawmakers must act now to close New York’s double jeopardy loophole and ensure that anyone who evades federal justice by virtue of a politically expedient pardon can be held accountable if they violate New York law.
Let it be known that there is no “double jeopardy loophole;” there is only “double jeopardy,” and the Fifth Amendment makes it crystal clear that Americans cannot be tried twice for the same crime. (Related: Michael Savage: Did Giuliani take down serial sex abuser Eric Schneiderman as warning to Mueller?)
That prohibition doesn’t just apply to federal crimes, either; that’s all crimes, regardless of where they are committed. What’s more, if you’ve been tried and convicted for a crime, you certainly can’t be tried or jailed again for it.
“The entire purpose of the constitutional provision barring double jeopardy is to prevent the political prosecution of people for crimes for which they have already been acquitted,” Shapiro notes.
And it’s quite clear that Underwood’s call to try to jail D’Souza again is politically motivated.
“It’s rare to see the partisan hackery of a supposedly non-political office exposed in this way,” Shapiro noted further. “But it’s not shocking. It merely reminds us that our instruments of judicial law enforcement are subject to political bias in radical ways.”
Liberals hate it when conservatives do the same things Left-wing presidents do. On his way out the door in January 2001, Bill Clinton pardoned billionaire Marc Rich, a former hedge-fund manager who had been indicted on multiple counts of wire fraud, tax evasion and racketeering, but who fled the country and was living in neutral Switzerland. Rich’s wife, Denise Rich, was a wealthy songwriter who donated to the Democratic National Committee, the Clinton Presidential Library and Hillary Clinton’s New York Senate campaign — and then, in 2012, renounced her U.S. citizenship.
‘Political?’ What do you think?
Then there’s Barack Obama, who commuted the sentence of traitor Bradley-turned-Chelsea Manning, leaker of top secret national security data to Wikileaks, on his way out the door in January 2017. Manning was supposed to serve a 35-year sentence.
“I don’t understand why the president would feel special compassion for someone who endangered the lives of our troops, diplomats, intelligence officers and allies,” Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., said at the time. “We ought not treat a traitor like a martyr.”
Should Manning be re-arrested and jailed? As much as many of us hate the fact that Obama let him/her go, it can’t happen.
That’s because the Constitution protects Americans from authoritarian, partisan hacks like AG Underwood.
Read more about Left-wing corruption at Corruption.news.
J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for NaturalNews.com and NewsTarget.com, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.
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