Wednesday, June 06, 2018 by JD Heyes
Special counsel Robert Mueller has received plenty of criticism regarding his “witch hunt” investigation into allegations that then-GOP candidate Donald Trump “colluded” with Russians to “steal the election” in 2016 and then obstructed justice to hide it.
These allegations are nothing more than Deep State fabrications and Mueller knows it. Everyone involved knows it. President Trump knows it.
However, not everyone knows that Mueller has a scurrilous, scandalous history involving four innocent men he allowed to either rot or die in prison just to protect a mafia source named Joseph “The Animal” Barboza.
As radio host Howie Carr, writing for The Daily Caller, recounts, newly revealed FBI documents note that in 2002, when Mueller was director of the FBI, he instructed agents to oppose the pardons of the four men — Louie Greco, Henry Tameleo, Peter Limone and Joe Salvati — because, he said, exculpatory evidence that had long existed was just “fodder for cross-examination,” one document shows.
Four years after that memo was written, all four men or their estates were collectively awarded $102 million by a federal court in Boston over their wrongful imprisonment — for decades — thanks to FBI misconduct.
The pardon was related to a request to Mueller from the Massachusetts Advisory Board of Pardons, which sought an “official version” of the imprisonment of the four men for a gangland-style murder in Chelsea, Mass., in March 1965. The men were eventually convicted in state court for allegedly killing Edward “Teddy” Deegan, a low-level hoodlum, during an attempted bank robbery.
Carr notes:
Within days of the murder, Boston FBI agents knew the identities of the actual murderers, and reported the information to J. Edgar Hoover in Washington. But they allowed a Mob hitman they had flipped, Joseph Barboza, to settle some old scores by falsely testifying that the four men had taken part in the gangland murder he had helped arrange with others.
In 2002, lawyers for one of the innocent men, Louie Greco — a decorated World War II vet who was living in Florida at the time of the murder — were attempting to get a posthumous pardon from Massachusetts officials (he died in prison in 1995 after serving 28 years). Barboza’s perjured testimony put him and the other three behind bars. (Related: Rudy attacks Mueller’s corrupt witch hunt: Rigged so bad SOME of his prosecutors ‘were at Hillary’s funeral’ on election night)
After the initial trial, another Boston-area gangster would tell a congressional committee that one FBI agent bragged about framing Greco. He said the agent exclaimed, “How does Louie Greco like going from Miami to Death Row? He wasn’t even there!”
For more than three decades, the FBI, citing “national security” concerns, refused to release the exculpatory evidence. Finally, it was released in 2000 as part of an investigation at the time into FBI corruption in the Boston office, Carr noted.
Despite the fact that the evidence indicated without question that the four men were innocent, Mueller’s FBI nevertheless claimed that they might still be guilty, in spite of the FBI’s own reports to the contrary.
Deegan was murdered on March 12, 1965. The FBI at the time sent memos to headquarters in Washington, D.C., on March 15 and 19 identifying the real killers. None of the four men who were eventually convicted for the crime were mentioned in those memos.
But in an effort to stonewall the Massachusetts parole board, Mueller insisted to them that the bureau’s own memos did not mean that the four were innocent.
John Cavicchi, the Greco attorney who found Mueller’s FBI letter in his case files last week, said it had “outraged” him all over again.
“After all those years,” Cavicchi said Sunday, “the feds still couldn’t admit that they had engineered this gross miscarriage of justice. Why couldn’t Mueller, who was in Boston while this frame up was going on, admit the Bureau’s culpability, then apologize and just settle the civil suit?”
Read the entire account here.
Read more at RobertMueller.news.
J.D. Heyes is editor of The National Sentinel and a senior writer for Natural News and News Target.
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Tagged Under: Tags: award settlement, boston, corrupt, corrupt prosecutors, corruption, deep state, Edward “Teddy” Deegan, FBI, frame, gangland murder, hit, J. Edgar Hoover, mob, Robert Mueller, Tyranny