Thursday, August 09, 2018 by News Editors
Fact: President Trump is sitting in the White House, today, largely because of the Independent Media.
(Article by Dave Hodges republished from TheCommonSenseShow.com)
Fact: President Trump just thumbed his nose to one of his biggest supporters, Alex Jones, when he refused to use the power of the President to reign in the illegal behaviors of the social media monopolies.
Fact: One-time staunch supporter of Trump, Gary Heavin, retired owner of curves, philanthropist and movie producer, stated on The Common Sense Show, that he no longer supports Trump and that he is clearly compromised. In the interview, I was shocked but I could not deny his supporting evidence. I desperately wanted Gary to be wrong! Sadly, everything he said was true.
Am I jumping off of the Trump train? No, I am not, I am being pushed of off the train by his unexplainable inaction in moving to protect the only media that has been friendly to the President.
There is no denying the many great economic accomplishments of the Trump administration. However, and for the time being, he has clearly deserted his base. This is my line in the sand for Donald Trump. If Trump does not move to undo the illegal censorship of the social media giants, it is time for the Independent Media to re-evaluate where we will place our efforts.
The social media giants are low hanging fruit. They are in such blatant violation of Federal law, that prosecuting them is easy. Again, under the open forum laws that all social media giants claim membership status in, they are not allowed to discriminate and censor. Ted Cruz exposed the open forum umbrella that all the social media giants are operating under. Further, there is no question that the social media giants are monopolies. In fact, they are poster-children for this concept. However, monopolies cannot selectively censor without being in violation of anti-trust laws. Again, where is Trump?
You are on this website, because you know you cannot trust CNN, ABC, MSNBC, the Washington Post, etc. By election day of 2018, you will not have many places to go to find out what’s really going on.
The following entities are actively censoring and banning the Independent Media:
A man, who I suspect was an AI troll, sent me an email I want to share:
You and your kind are an absolute joke. You poor bastards in the alt right media deserve to go out of business. I am so happy that Alex Jones otherwise known as Bill Hicks is going out of business. Your sorry ass is next. You are lucky that we don’t kill all of you and your families so you cannot reproduce your kind. Very soon you poor bastard you will have nowhere to go to spread your Christian BS. That will indeed be a good day when you are shipped off to a Fema camp……
I get emails like this all the time, but this one is important because it captures what many liberals are feeling in the present moment.
The Goal of Censorship
As I previously said I used to be marginalized by being labeled a conspiracy theorist. After several decades of employing that strategy, it no longer works.
The globalists are attempting to permanently silence the Independent Media once and for all. In the election of 2016, they made a mistake and it cost Hillary the election. They are determined that our influence on the upcoming mid-term elections is negated.
Heed my next words. The globalists have made another miscalculation. Even if every alt right media source was effectively censored the Blue Wave coming from the Democrats will fail. The damage has been done.
The answer to that question is another question in response. Blue Dawn, Red Dawn and the destruction of America is on the table. There is no hiding the agenda of the globalists.
Many journalists are predicting widespread violence between now and the November election. Trump will be either a Hillary clone, at this point, or he will just fade away and become another New World Order puppet, or he can take some political viagra and act accordingly.
Trump could still act, but I am not holding my breath. He needs us now in the midterm elections any by October many of us are going to be MIA. Donald Trump Jr. did talk about censorship yesterday, but he’s not his father.
One must ask, if Trump continues to desert those that brought him to power, what lies next? Will the American people have anywhere to go to learn the truth about what is happening? The answer is yes, because nature hates a vacuum.
Unless Trump acts decisively, and soon, there will be significant changes. You will not see any of us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, etc.
The Independent Media (IM) will change form. The subscription model put forth by John B. Wells will very likely be repeated. With the revenues from Youtube, Facebook, etc., drying up, we will see the IM move to subscription services. At first the public, who are used to getting a free lunch (80%), will yell and scream at having to pay a subscription. However, after watching a week of CNN, they will return and pay a nominal subscription fee. What you will see in the future, if this censorship trend continues, are nothing but websites and radio shows generated from those websites. However, the IM will have to be on a platform that they cannot be removed from such as GoDaddy. I have already positioned myself in this manner and my radio show is not hosted by anyone that can be pressured.
In the final analysis, we are witnessing the Great American Book Burning. Today’s libraries are housed on the Internet. The Alex Jones wing of the library was burned down in this latest purge. And what is that saying…..Where they burn books, they will soon burn people. We are no living under the American version of Maoism. What did Mao do to the Chinese people after the books were all burned and all information was controlled? He murdered 60 million of his own people. This book burning is a precursor to a Maoist style genocide. Look at George Soros, the man who betrayed his fellow Jews to the Nazi and tell me that it cannot happen here. The purge is already underway.
Read more at: TheCommonSenseShow.com
Tagged Under: Tags: Alex Jones, Apple, Censorship, civil unrest, Collapse, corporations, election, Facebook, fake news, free speech, Google, government, InfoWars, Liberty, mainstream media, politics, Social media, Trump, Twitter, White House, YouTube