News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
Censorship by tech giants is an assault on the right to exist in an online-dominated society
This is a partial reprinting of “The Censorship Master Plan Decoded,” available at this link (PDF). The Censorship Master Plan Decoded (i.e. “The Adams Report”) The blueprint for how tech giants covertly silence online speech, and how America can fight back against corporate tech monopolists Part One: The Societal Cost of Censorship and the Denial […]
By Mike Adams
The Censorship Master Plan Decoded – Introduction
This is a partial reprinting of “The Censorship Master Plan Decoded,” available at this link (PDF). The Censorship Master Plan Decoded (i.e. “The Adams Report”) The blueprint for how tech giants covertly silence online speech, and how America can fight back against corporate tech monopolists by Mike Adams, founder,,,,, and […]
By Mike Adams
Facebook bans the Declaration of Independence, flags it as “hate speech” … then newspaper editor who posted it APOLOGIZES to the Zucker-king
In the latest wake-up call that Facebook, Google, YouTube and Twitter censorship is completely out of control, Facebook recently banned a post that shared a section of the Declaration of Independence. The Vindicator, a small-town Texas publisher, was sharing text from the document when Facebook banned it, citing “hate speech” guidelines. Reports The Vindicator: Somewhere […]
By Mike Adams
The LEFT has declared war on America, and we are all about to be caught in the crossfire
Kevin McCullough from has penned one of the most insightful summaries of the total disregard for civil society now viciously pursued by the deranged, lunatic Left. In essence, McCullough accurately describes the Left’s painful descent into a lunatic mob of screamers and hate-mongers, and why they have abandoned any pretext of civility in their […]
By Mike Adams
For America to survive, Google must be defeated
The radical Left — which now controls tech giants like Google and Facebook — can’t win any debate (or elections) based on facts or logic, so they resort to brazen censorship to silence all opposing views in the hopes of dominating the culture by cheating. “These activists want the playing field to be tilted in […]
By Mike Adams
EXCLUSIVE: Incompetent FBI tried to frame Dr. Suzanne Humphries for death threats; Natural News proved her innocence
(Natural News exclusive) In a bombshell Counterthink interview filmed at the InfoWars studios in Austin, Texas, Dr. Suzanne Humphries revealed how the FBI attempted to frame her for making death threats against herself. The full interview, available at (or see video below), reveals how the FBI lied to Dr. Humphries and attempted to use […]
By Mike Adams
Citizen journalist Tommy Robinson jailed under secret order from UK government; total media blackout issued to protect Muslim pedophiles
UK citizen journalism Tommy Robinson, who has worked tirelessly to expose the Muslim pedophile and sex trafficking rings in the UK, has been arrested and jailed under a Soviet-style secret order from the UK government which then issued a total media blackout order to the press. It is now a crime in the UK to […]
By Mike Adams
Why Barack Obama may be going to PRISON for crimes against America (video)
If you’re not reading daily, you might not be in the loop on the stunning political revelations now coming out almost by the hour. Over the last week or so, we’ve learned that Barack Obama masterminded an organized crime cartel that actively sought to carry out a political “spygate” coup against President Trump. The […]
By Mike Adams
RESIST mob rule: We do not live in a “democracy,” and the deranged mob cannot violate our civil liberties
We do not live in a democracy, and we’re not subject to mob rule. We actually live in a constitutional Republic, where individual liberties are protected against the mob, making sure that our liberties cannot be eliminated by a deranged mob, no matter how animated its hatred or lunacy. Those rights, of course, include the […]
By Mike Adams
Health Ranger unleashes epic rant against tech giants’ censorship and attempted extermination of independent voices
The goal of the authoritarian tech giants is the complete extermination of all conservative voices from the internet. Their ultimate goal, of course, is the actual (physical) extermination of conservatives through mass arrests, mass mass murder and the rounding up of any who oppose left-wing authoritarian tyranny. This is what communist / Marxist revolutions always […]
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