News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
Washington Post, CNN, NPR, PBS all praise murderous North Korea and its slave state leaders
Remember how I said that the Washington Post is a traitorous, anti-American, propaganda-laced “journo-terrorism” organization? Their coverage of the Olympics proves it, as WashPost joins NPR, ABC, NBC, CNN, the NYT and other left-wing propaganda rags in praising the murderous North Korean regime. You know why they praise North Korea? Because that’s the kind of […]
By Mike Adams
Believing in “progressivism” requires the complete abandonment of reality, logic, science and reason
To believe the narratives of liberalism, you are required to utterly abandon reality, logic, science and reason. In this article, I’ll demonstrate that with a selection of compelling examples. We’ll begin the irrefutable fact that the Winter Olympics now allows biological men to compete as “women” against actual women, allowing individuals with male bone structure, […]
By Mike Adams
Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock was on a “sedative-hypnotic” mind-altering psychiatric medication – autopsy report
Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock was taking mind-altering psychiatric medications at the time he carried out the Mandalay Bay mass shooting, reveal autopsy records obtained by the Las Vegas Review-Journal. “Amounts of nordiazepam, oxazepam and temazepam, which are consistent with the anti-anxiety drug Valium, were found in his urine, a toxicology report shows,” the Review-Journal […]
By Mike Adams
SHAMELESS: No Democrats or left-leaning publishers denounce shocking abuses of power detailed in FISA memo release
The FISA memo release describes a shocking series of criminal abuses of power at the highest levels of the FBI and DOJ — all under Obama. As the memo reveals, not only did top FBI and DOJ officials conspire to defraud the FISA court in order to illegally spy on American citizens, the key operatives […]
By Mike Adams
Proposed law would turn Florida into a vaccine police state: “Women’s Cancer Prevention Act” would mandate mass injections with toxic HPV vaccines
Following in the eugenics footsteps of California’s SB 277, Florida lawmakers are now pushing a totalitarian medical police state law that would deny an education to children who aren’t injected with the extremely toxic and risky HPV vaccine. SB 1551, being deceptively called the “Women’s Cancer Prevention Act,” mandates HPV vaccines in school-aged children, revoking […]
By Mike Adams
#ReleaseTheMemo goes viral as America demands to see bombshell details of the secret FISA warrant… “s**t is about to hit the fan”
While the entire legacy media is running a complete news blackout on this exploding scandal — now shaping up to be the most horrific political crime in the history of this nation — Americans are demanding federal officials #ReleaseTheMemo so that people can see for themselves what really happened. The magnitude of this scandal is […]
By Mike Adams
Health Ranger calls for First Amendment to be expanded to the online world: Vindictive censorship must be STOPPED
What has become remarkably clear to nearly everyone is that Google, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Yahoo and other tech giants now operate as radical left-wing censorship regimes that selectively “shadow ban” and oppress conservative ideas. Tech giants have been infiltrated by left-wing “cultists” who literally believe that they have the right to suppress and destroy any […]
By Mike Adams
Undercover video of Twitter engineers reveals how tech giants have devolved into dangerous left-wing censorship regimes
Bombshell undercover video from Project Veritas now reveals how social media giant Twitter has been infiltrated and taken over by left-wing cultists who occupy top engineering positions within the company while using those positions to silence all opposing views. In effect, Twitter, Facebook, Google and YouTube are all run as totalitarian left-wing censorship regimes, where […]
By Mike Adams
Jeff Sessions re-criminalizes cannabis nationwide… the full TYRANNY of Washington D.C. lunatics is now on display
By now, you’ve probably heard that U.S. DOJ head Jeff Sessions just “re-criminalized” all cannabis nationwide, regardless of state-based legalization of cannabis for medical and recreational use. “The Justice Department chief effectively withdrew federal guidelines that helped limit prosecutions of businesses and individuals who sold pot in a legal manner under state law because marijuana […]
By Mike Adams
YouTube threatens to shut down Health Ranger channel over this podcast that discusses the FBI’s routine obstruction of justice and forensic science fraud
Seven weeks after the posting of a podcast that examines the FBI’s corruption and cover-up regarding the Mandalay Bay shooting in Las Vegas, YouTube has threatened to censor the Health Ranger channel for obvious political purposes. It’s part of the worsening pattern of censorship of political speech by YouTube, which is owned and operated by […]
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