News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
William Shatner targeted by vaccine bullies in vicious campaign to silence tweets about autism
Vaccine industry zealots believe in destroying the freedom to think. Their actions — and especially the actions of sociopathic medical violence pushers like Dr. David Gorski — reflect the kind of destruction of knowledge we’ve all witnessed throughout history when evil regimes burned books in order to control the official narrative. (Dr. Gorski is a high-level […]
By Mike Adams
The War on Drugs is based on FAKE SCIENCE, warns lab science director who says labs routinely engage in “science crimes” against innocents
The “War on Drugs” is a grand science hoax based on faked laboratory analyses conducted by lab science con artists working for government. That’s not hyperbole, by the way: It’s a matter-of-fact description of exactly how the drug war is being waged in America, thanks to lab science criminals like Annie Dookhan, who pleaded guilty […]
By Mike Adams
How to stay SANE in an INSANE world (and why YOU are important for the rebuilding of human society)
For those of us who are awake, aware and conscious, the world looks increasingly insane… perhaps even hopeless. The emotional whiplash of political elections, outbreaks of war, government lies and cultural insanity can take a real toll on a person’s sense of hope for our world, and far too many goodhearted, sensitive people are right […]
By Mike Adams
TWISTED: According to bizarre Pentagon logic, Russia can now bomb the USA to stop vaccine violence against children
If you really look deeply at the “moral justification” behind the recent U.S. military strike in Syria, it all comes down to this simple argument: “Those children were being hurt by chemical violence, and we just HAD to do something to stop them!” Therefore, according to the Pentagon, anytime a nation anywhere in the world […]
By Mike Adams
United Airlines drags physician kicking and screaming off a flight he PAID FOR because they overbooked and wanted the seat back
Welcome to the friendly skies of United Airlines, where you can pay for a ticket, take your assigned seat, mind your own business waiting for the plane to take off and then be violently dragged out of your seat by armed government goons who smash your face and humiliate you in front of everyone. This […]
By Mike Adams
Sleepwalking toward World War III… like clockwork, the next 25-year cycle of mass human suffering and death begins NOW
America has become a zombie nation of hypnotized, socially-obedient conformist who are so disconnected from reality that when the bombs start falling, they won’t have any idea how they’ve been programmed to celebrate it all. Heavily dosed with medication, fluoride and heavy metals in vaccines, the American masses have become sleepwalking automatons… conformist consumers of […]
By Mike Adams
There are far more vaccine-damaged children in America than chemical weapons-damaged children in Syria
By now, you are surely aware that the U.S. war machine, under President Donald J. Trump, has launched cruise missiles against the Syrian government. The emotionally-charged justification for all this is that “beautiful babies” were being killed by chemical weapons. While the pro-war factions of the establishment elite are celebrating the missile strike, virtually the […]
By Mike Adams
Google, YouTube waging “demonetization” WAR on alternative media to bankrupt independent journalism
Independent media pioneer is now the latest victim of the Google / YouTube “demonetization” censorship attack that’s explicitly targeting alternative media. “You Tube is changing the rules of the game, it’s not longer a level playing field. Not only are they flagging more and more videos as ‘not advertiser friendly’, for the past few […]
By Mike Adams
America has collapsed into a PHARMA STATE run by government-protected drug cartels
Much like a “narco state” that’s run by narco terrorists, America has now collapsed into a pharma state run by “legal” drug cartels protected by a hopelessly corrupt government. The evidence is all around you: How the drug cartels control Congress, universities, medical schools, science journals and of course the entire fake news media (previously […]
By Mike Adams
The BIG LIE upon which all government is founded
Every government in the world today is founded on a “big lie” that you’re about to see explained below. This is true regardless of party affiliation, nationality or era in which the government operates. All governments — past, present and future — are founded on this “big lie,” without exception. What is this BIG LIE? […]
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