News & Articles By Cassie B.
By Cassie B.
Man jailed for 82 days for possession of honey because Customs and Border Protection said it was meth… but it was just honey
One man’s innocent return to the U.S. from Jamaica turned into an 82-day jail stint thanks to three bottles of honey and a seriously flawed justice system. When 46-year-old Leon Haughton returned to the Baltimore-Washington International Airport last December after his yearly visit back to his home country of Jamaica, he found himself being detained […]
By Cassie B.
NEVER turn in guns, magazines or banned accessories to the government: They are creating a database of those who own gun gear
When the federal ban on bump stocks went into place, existing owners were required to destroy their bump stocks or turn them over to authorities. The attachments let semi-automatic rifles mimic the firing rate of a fully automatic weapon, and the ban came about in response to the Las Vegas shooting of 2017. Although the […]
By Cassie B.
Google pushing its liberal tyranny onto all its contractors, demanding they offer paid parental leave, $15 minimum wage and $5k / year for “education” for all employees
Google thinks so highly of itself that it has announced that it will only consider doing business with contracting companies if they adhere to a list of unreasonable demands when it comes to employee treatment. Under their new policies, outside contractors that want to do business with Google must offer their employees a minimum wage […]
By Cassie B.
Google partners with China to dominate the world with online tyranny, censorship and communism agendas
Just when you thought Google couldn’t possibly get any scarier, The Intercept is reporting that the company is still working in secret on the controversial Chinese search app it claimed to have abandoned last year. The search app, which has the code name “Project Dragonfly,” is still very much alive, even though the company claimed […]
By Cassie B.
MEDICAL POLICE STATE as SWAT officers forcibly remove unvaccinated 2-year-old with a fever from his home
It’s a scenario that’s all too familiar for many parents: Your child is acting differently and feeling unwell, so you take his temperature. If he has a fever, you’ll weigh the pros and cons of waiting it out versus bringing him to the doctor’s. Then, just a short time later, your child is running around […]
By Cassie B.
MEDICAL POLICE STATE is here: New York county bans unvaccinated people from all public spaces… “imprisons” those who refuse to take dangerous injections
Government officials exploiting disease outbreaks to scare people into getting profitable vaccines is nothing new, but it has taken on a very concerning twist in New York this week. Rockland County has just declared a state of emergency, taking the opportunity to ban unvaccinated children from going to public places as a measles outbreak there […]
By Cassie B.
Tech giants working to roll out online “gulag” for Americans that’s worse than prison in communist China
Welcome to America, the land of the free… unless you happen to voice an opinion the tech giants don’t agree with, in which case you’re as good as dead. They might not physically place your body in the firing line, but their censorship and de-platforming is effectively killing those who dare to share an opposing […]
By Cassie B.
Parents of non-vaccinated children denied the right to attend school as left-wing judge orders them to stay home during outbreak carried by VACCINATED children
In New York, a federal judge has ruled against the parents of non-vaccinated kids, denying their children their right to attend school. U.S. District Court Judge Vincent Briccetti denied a temporary injunction request that would have permitted 44 unvaccinated kids to return to school. This will keep the students out of the Green Meadow Waldorf […]
By Cassie B.
Medical TYRANNY: Cops raid cancer patient’s hospital room because he was using cannabis oil to successfully treat cancer symptoms
In the latest example of law enforcement resources being ridiculously misused, police raided the hospital room of a man dying from cancer in search of marijuana. The incident took place at Citizens Memorial Hospital in Bolivar, Missouri, where Nolan Sousley was receiving treatment for pancreatic cancer. The Stage 4 cancer patient has been taking capsules […]
By Cassie B.
Incompetent police arrest Florida man for “heroin possession” after field test finds positive result … but it turns out to be just laundry detergent
Imagine that the police claim to find $18,000 worth of heroin in your vehicle, and the next thing you know, you’re in jail with half a million dollars bond – even though you’re sure you never had the drug in the first place. Imagine spending the holidays – 41 days in total – behind bars […]
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