The debate over privacy versus security is one that dates back hundreds of years, really to the inception to the …
If you’ve ever wanted to know what it looks like when government continues to insist that it knows what’s best …
Someone needs to remind Mark Zuckerberg that he created a social media website for people to connect and chat with …
America has come a long way since 1776. What was once a nation centered on the principles of individualism and …
Over the past few years, raising poultry has become immensely popular in the United States – more popular than it …
Imagine checking your email and finding a picture of your front porch taken by someone that you have never met …
If you’ve ever had a strange desire to be watched around the clock and have pictures taken of you and …
It seems as though the more we find out about Facebook and how the company operates behind closed doors, the …
It has recently been revealed that the research firm Cambridge Analytica secretly collected the private data and information of 50 …
This past weekend, Breitbart’s John Nolte pointed out yet another instance of political censorship from the social media giant Twitter, …