Could you imagine living in a country that made technological advancements that weren’t at the expense of your individual right …
If you were to ask an average liberal to define “hate speech,” chances are he or she would say something …
If there’s one thing that the Obama era taught us, it’s that defending liberty is no easy task. All throughout …
When it comes to politics, it’s fair to say that most millennials are completely lost. They blithely embrace politicians like …
In a letter to James Madison dated December 20, 1787, Thomas Jefferson wrote, “What country can preserve its liberties if …
There is an effort underway in this country to shut down conservative speech as much as possible, to the point …
Even though Donald Trump is our president and Republicans control both chambers of congress, bits and pieces of the progressive …
The mass spying on the American people continues. According to decade-old documents released earlier this month by Wikileaks, the Central …
The Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution states that the people have a right to be “secure in their …
Whenever bloggers or media commentators cover the controversial issue of police brutality, it is absolutely vital that things are first …