News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Project Veritas bombshells: FDA staffer says Americans should be forced to get COVID-19 vax, placed on national “registry” like Nazi Germany if they refuse
Undercover journalism organization Project Veritas has scored another major school, secretly filming a Food and Drug Administration employee who talked about forcing Americans to get a COVID-19 vaccine against their will and listing them in a “Nazi Germany”- like national registry, while also making racist and bigoted comments. The staffer, FDA economist Taylor Lee, said in […]
By JD Heyes
TRUE CONSPIRACY: Biden ordered OSHA to hide employer reports of COVID vaccine injuries and side effects
Americans have become so accustomed to our government — our elected leaders and our bureaucrats — lying to us, most people don’t even expect them to be honest with us anymore. So it doesn’t shock too many people when we discover we’ve been lied to again; what is shocking, however, is why so many of […]
By JD Heyes
Biden regime cuts red states off from COVID-19 therapies, engineering deliberate medication scarcity that will cost lives
The Biden regime is continuing its war on red states over their refusal to buckle under his demands to re-impose pointless, needless COVID-19 restrictions, this time by ‘taking over’ distribution of the highly effective medication ivermectin, and then refusing to send it to them. One of the states Biden’s regime really resents is Florida, where liberty-minded […]
By JD Heyes
Left-wing media goes after rapper Nicki Minaj in escalation of “war” over her comments warning about COVID-19 vaccine
To assume that rapper and international entertainer Nicki Minaj is anything but a liberal would be foolish, as she has made it quite plain in the past that with respect to her political and social views, she does not differ much at all from her left-wing colleagues in the business. But it turns out that […]
By JD Heyes
Biden regime proposing to authorize IRS to spy on bank accounts of ALL Americans
It got really tiresome to hear the lying left claim that Donald Trump was a “tyrant,” an “authoritarian,” a “Nazi,” and someone who had no respect for the Constitution. Trump as president was the best friend of the Constitution in generations of American presidents, and not only that, but his judicial nominees were all recommended […]
By JD Heyes
Locked down Australians now having their alcohol purchases monitored and limited due to “COVID”
The crazy authoritarianism in Australia is worsening as tyrannical leaders continue using the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse to crack down on a once-free society, even to the point of monitoring and limiting purchases of alcohol by residents of housing and apartment units controlled by the government. According to News.Com.Au, the country’s largest news agency, locked-down residents […]
By JD Heyes
Google as the Orwellian ‘Ministry of Truth’: Tech giant admits it’s preventing Australians from seeing certain videos that veer from accepted ‘facts’
If visionary writer George Orwell, author of “1984,” which gives a dystopian vision of the future, were alive today, he would be amazed at how utterly correct many of his predictions were about all-powerful central governments. Such as the existence of a “Ministry of Truth,” whereby bureaucrats decide what the public can and cannot know in […]
By JD Heyes
Hack of British gun registration database proves again why Americans should never agree to one
At present, the going legal philosophy is that a federal gun registry is unconstitutional, as it is viewed as an infringement on the right to keep and bear arms. The Second Amendment doesn’t specifically prohibit a federal ‘list’ of all the guns owned by citizens, but that is likely because our founders did not envision […]
By JD Heyes
Red Alert: Biden admin signals intent to join UN global gun registration treaty, followed by nationwide confiscation effort
American gun rights groups have warned for years that the very first step ahead of gun confiscation is gun registration because after all, the government has to know what’s ‘out there’ in private hands before it imposes a mandate to turn them in or risk being shot and killed under the guise of “justice.” But for […]
By JD Heyes
Revealed: Big Tech paid off “conservative” media outlets in an effort to wipe out criticism for CENSORING conservatives
If you still weren’t quite convinced that our country’s moral compass has shattered and that our value and belief systems have been completely corrupted by greed and lust, this should finally convince you. Longtime readers of this site know we’ve consistently reported on how the big tech giants have censored conservative outlets and content, and […]
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