News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Here come the endless COVID booster shots! Fauci says it’s “likely, inevitable” they’re never going to end
We’ve come a long, sad, maddening way from “two weeks to bend the curve” of the novel coronavirus spread to mandatory vaccines, vaccine passports and now, endless COVID-19 vaccine boosters, which, if you don’t take them, you’re not going to be able to fully participate in society. The biggest COVID-19 fraud of them all, Dr. […]
By JD Heyes
Shocking executive order signed by Tennessee’s GOP governor authorizes quarantines, involuntary internment for COVID enforced by National Guard
Up to now during the COVID-19 pandemic, most Republican governors opted to protect the rights and individual freedoms of their citizens and against imposing top-down lockdowns and mandates that robbed people of liberties and their ability to decide for themselves, as Americans, what their own best courses of action would be in terms of self-isolation, […]
By JD Heyes
New infrastructure bill contains Orwellian surveillance provision targeting cryptocurrency users, spelling DOOM for the crypto markets if passed
If somehow our founders could come back and see what a mess we have made of the America they literally risked their lives and fortunes to create, they would rebel again…from us. Over the generations, Americans have allowed our elected leaders to run roughshod over the Constitution to the point where instead of that document […]
By JD Heyes
Australia government threatens its own citizens: No freedom until you comply with vaccine shot quotas
Western liberals continue to prove that they are no different than first, second or third-world dictators and tyrants as they continue to politicize the COVID-19 pandemic to seize power. In the U.S., one Democrat-run city after another has begun to issue mandates that citizens must prove they have had the vaccine or they aren’t going […]
By JD Heyes
Corrupt DOJ now threatening PRISON TIME for anyone organizing audits of elections
It has become patently clear that the Biden regime has no regard for the rule of law, doesn’t care what federal courts say, and has no tendency to follow precedent, as a series of recent actions prove beyond a shadow of a doubt. Most readers are well aware of what occurred at the U.S. Capitol […]
By JD Heyes
Western governments exploit COVID as an excuse for tyranny as Australia mobilizes troops to enforce virus lockdown
As much as Western leaders love to chastise tyrannical governments like China, North Korea, Cuba and Iran, they seldom pass up a chance to impose their own will on their people when presented the opportunity. And the COVID-19 pandemic has provided them with plenty of opportunities, especially now that, suddenly, a new variant, Delta, has […]
By JD Heyes
CDC now pushing for nationwide mandatory vaccine tracking database of all Americans, even after admitting the vaccine is failing
If it wasn’t obvious after Democrats used the COVID pandemic to steal President Donald Trump’s reelection they would ride the outbreak into perpetual power and destroy the Bill of Rights, then maybe now, months into the Biden regime, it’s become clearer. After tens of millions of Americans were persuaded to take a COVID-19 vaccine on […]
By JD Heyes
It’s almost certain that Biden will announce nationwide “Delta” lockdowns this month as the White House remains clueless on how to halt the pandemic without destroying America’s economy
Just as Americans gained confidence that the COVID-19 pandemic was ending along with silly mask mandates and rising COVID-19 vaccinations, Democratic tyrants in government at all levels are now moving rapidly to lock down their states and cities again as the ‘Delta variant’ spreads: They’re reimposingĀ mask mandates, requiring workers to take the jab whether they […]
By JD Heyes
GOP governors already lining up to push back on Biden administration’s new COVID mask ‘guidance’
It seems like forever ago when Americans were first asked to shut down our businesses, close our schools, get off our streets, and stay inside for a couple of weeks to “bend the curve” of the emerging COVID-19 pandemic. But really, it wasn’t all that long ago, a year in March. And for a brief […]
By JD Heyes
Texas Dems demand that all Americans be made to take COVID-19 vaccine as party exploits pandemic for tyrannical power play
The Democrat Party is becoming more desperate by the day, as ongoing election audits are soon going to reveal, plainly, the fact that they, along with theirĀ deep state allies, stole the 2020 election from President Donald Trump. And they know once that election theft is revealed, they may lose power for a generation. So […]
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