News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
In run-up to 2020 election, Twitter announces new rules that will muzzle President Trump
Despite the fact that President Donald Trump is Twitter’s biggest, most high-profile — and free — marketing manager, the social media giant has been trying to figure out a way to silence him since he won in 2016. Now, however, the platform may have discovered a way to finally silence our president and take away […]
By JD Heyes
Yes, “Beto” declares intent to send armed government agents door to door in order to confiscate all citizens’ firearms at gunpoint
Until the age of President Trump, most Democrats have been pretty close-mouthed regarding their disdain for the Second Amendment. Yes, dating back to the 1990s and Bill Clinton’s assault weapons ban, Democrats have long supported limits to our right to gun ownership they would never tolerate for speech, expression, assembly, and the right to privacy, […]
By JD Heyes
Bombshell for liberty: AR-15 lowers are NOT firearms, according to federal law… ATF quietly drops criminal prosecution of “gun maker”
When was the last time you heard that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives and the Justice Department allowed a case against an illegal gun manufacturer to essentially be dropped and the obviously guilty party avoid prison time? Probably never, but in fact, this has happened — twice in the past few years. […]
By JD Heyes
2020 Dem Kamala Harris now colluding with Big Tech to silence all dissenters… just like Communist China
Tens of millions of Americans, most of them supporters of President Donald Trump, are well aware that the big tech social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter have been censoring and banning conservatives and pro-liberty, pro-America users. For nearly two years, anyone who posts something the Left-wing speech Nazis who serve as content gatekeepers […]
By JD Heyes
Secret trials, secret witnesses, secret proceedings… “impeachment” nothing but a deep state kangaroo court like you’d see in a Third World country
It’s now obvious that Democrats and their allies in the propaganda media are engaged in a full-court press to get President Donald Trump impeached and thrown out of office before a series of damning reports and, we hope, indictments involving the Obama-era “Spygate” coup attempt. As The National Sentinel reported on Sunday, Democrats have scheduled […]
By JD Heyes
California to ban use of all Ham radio repeaters unless operators pay the state massive fees
Leave it to the idiot liberals who run the state of California to begin the process of removing vital emergency equipment under the guise of making people ‘safer.’ According to a letter from the law office of A. Nathan Zeliff to Lorina Pisi, an official with the California Department of Fire and Forestry, the state […]
By JD Heyes
United Nations now targeting free speech on a global scale, under the banner of fighting “hate speech”
To most Americans, the United Nations is an innocuous organization that serves as a global forum for countries to work out their differences while providing services like disaster relief, peacekeeping, health care, and others. In reality, the U.N. is primarily staffed by representatives from authoritarian regimes and elitists who seek to transform the organization into […]
By JD Heyes
The “secret trials” Democrats are rigging against Trump will be used against all conservatives, Christians and Trump supporters if Dems rise to power
At present, the Democratic Party only controls one-half of one branch of government — the House of Representatives. But party leaders are showing us what they will do and how they will come after Trump supporters, Christians, and conservatives if they ever retake both chambers of Congress and the Executive Branch. As the impeachment fervor […]
By JD Heyes
It’s time for all Americans to REJECT China and all those orgs that support China, such as the NBA
For decades now, China’s Communist leaders have been working diligently to undermine the United States and supplant our country as the world’s foremost power. Along the way, the Chinese have been helped by Americans. American consumers have been buying hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of Chinese products, mostly because they are cheap and easily […]
By JD Heyes
Deep state traitor Brennan now says you’re innocent until someone ALLEGES you have done something wrong — then you’re guilty until proven innocent
Before Donald Trump had the bad taste to defeat the most criminally investigated presidential contender ever — Hillary Clinton — many American legal traditions that were still pretty much intact have been completely and irreversibly shattered. One of them is the presumption of innocence. Trump has been tried and convicted time and again in the […]
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