News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Coming to America: The complete de-platforming of all voices that don’t worship Democrats, abortions and open borders
The Democrat Party has joined the globalist Left in their quest to wipe out all remaining bastions of freedom and liberty throughout the West which, if they are successful, will plunge the world into chaos, war, and destruction. In Europe, freedom fighters like Tommy Robinson and Carl Benjamin are fighting Leftists in Britain and throughout […]
By JD Heyes
AI-enabled cameras said to predict crime before it happens… are “precrime” arrests next?
The coming tsunami of devices equipped with “artificial intelligence” (AI) technology may seem like, to some, a welcome addition to all things that make life easier on planet Earth. But to a growing number of critics, AI represents the next opportunity for big government to encroach upon our lives daily, and even prosecute and imprison […]
By JD Heyes
After the FBI fabricated the Russia collusion hoax, does the agency have any credibility to accuse patriot group leader?
Throughout the “Spygate” scandal involving Deep State players loyal to ringleader Barack Obama, Americans were repeatedly told that ‘rank-and-file members’ of the FBI and Justice Department were solid, patriotic men and women who are dedicated to serving our country. The problem, we were told, was just a few bad apples at the top. But is […]
By JD Heyes
Tech giants plotting to suppress ALL conservative, pro-Trump voices so they can help Democrats STEAL the 2020 election
The election of Donald J. Trump as our 45th president shocked the Left-wing tech gurus who run the world’s biggest social media platforms, but after a period of mourning they developed a battle plan to prevent a repeat in 2020: Censorship. For nearly a year leading up to the 2018 midterms, Facebook, Google, Twitter, YouTube, […]
By JD Heyes
Not a single gun magazine has been turned in to NJ state police… citizens are arming up against a government they no longer trust to protect them
After constitutional conservatives managed to roll back existing gun control legislation while stopping new bills from getting passed in recent years, the [un]Democratic Left is now working ‘round the clock to impose new restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms, despite the fact that the Second Amendment guarantees the right “shall not be infringed.” […]
By JD Heyes
The philosophy of authoritarianism: Leftists say merely CRITICIZING a Democrat is an act of violence
Once upon a time, Democrats and Republicans, conservatives and liberals, could at least have a conversation about the important issues of the day and, often, come to some sort of mutually acceptable compromise. Those days are long gone, however, and what’s more, our country appears to have reached a point of no return — no […]
By JD Heyes
Yes, Google has been LISTENING and RECORDING everything you say in your own home through secret NEST microphones
Google was founded on the corporate motto, “Don’t be evil.” Since then, it seems like Google’s corporate direction has been to be evil in just about every way imaginable, and on a very personal level. There is nothing more valuable than our privacy and yet, in the tech age, that’s the first thing we lost. […]
By JD Heyes
RED ALERT: Oregon Senate panel passes MASSIVE gun control bill that turns firearms owners into criminals while nullifying the Second Amendment
There’s a Second Amendment revolt coming to America, and soon, if the insane Left-wing faction of the Democrat Party doesn’t stop pushing gun owners — and the Constitution — to their limits. Oregon, surprisingly, not California, may actually be ground zero. On Tuesday, the state Senate Judiciary Committee voted to approve Senate Bill 978 which […]
By JD Heyes
World’s largest e-tailer, Amazon, begins Nazi-like digital burning of books it doesn’t like
In the early 1930s, The German Student Union (DSt) conducted book burning ceremonies in Hitler’s rising Third Reich and Austria aimed at destroying any political materials deemed “subversive” or counterproductive to Nazism. In April 1933, the DSt declared a nationwide “Action against the Un-German Spirit” and deemed that a literary purge and “cleansing” by fire […]
By JD Heyes
The Left hated McCarthyism and “blacklists” of alleged communists but they are now using the same tactic to keep Trump supporters out of corporate boardrooms
From time to time you may have heard an American Leftist use the term “McCarthyism,” but maybe you’re not exactly sure what the term means or refers to. A popular definition for McCarthyism is that it’s a “a vociferous campaign against alleged communists in the U.S. government and other institutions carried out under Senator Joseph […]
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