News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
The possibility for civil discourse is OVER in America… “vote and buy guns” says former federal prosecutor, because the Left has gone lawless
There are a lot of political pundits on cable TV who are very animated and prone to hyperbole in order to make their points but former federal prosecutor Joe diGenova isn’t one of them. A current practicing attorney and frequent critic of special counsel Robert Mueller’s “witch hunt” investigation of POTUS Donald Trump, diGenova is […]
By JD Heyes
Virtue-signaling Leftist banks are deplatforming POTUS Trump supporters using financial tyranny
For more than a year ahead of the 2018 midterm elections, the Left-wing Nazis who run the social media behemoths deplatformed one conservative, Right-leaning voice after another in what was obviously a concerted attempt to censor any and all dissent to Democratic candidates and their socialist policies. Though financial institutions and online advertising firms came […]
By JD Heyes
More PROOF Google works for China: Rolls out 3D maps that exposes Taiwan’s military bases and missile sites
Google executives often argue that in order to ‘do business’ in countries where governments are, shall we say, more restrictive than the United States, they have to go along to get along. And if the country is as big and promising as China, well then, going along to get along becomes much more permissive than, […]
By JD Heyes
Yes, the Democrats just admitted they plan to declare a national emergency to demand gun confiscation from all citizens
Democrats and some Republicans repeatedly ‘warned’ President Donald Trump last week not to use existing federal law to declare a national emergency along the U.S.-Mexico border if Congress didn’t give him funds to build new walls and barriers. Not only did Congress fail to deliver, lawmakers passed a bill containing all sorts of “in your […]
By JD Heyes
“NewsGuard” is Big Tech’s latest scheme to “blacklist” and censor conservative and independent media
In a decision made without consulting first with users, Microsoft is teaming up with an online censor to filter out and “blacklist” conservative and independent media voices under the false guise of combating “fake news.” As reported by Breitbart Tech, Microsoft has already installed a mainstream media (MSM) browser extension that rates the ‘accuracy’ of […]
By JD Heyes
TRUTH is now “hate speech” on Twitter as truthful statements about history result in being banned
One of the most offensive things to many Americans is to suffer criticism from immigrants who came to our country to escape vile, deplorable, violent, and corrupt conditions in their own countries. It seems something far more than mere hypocrisy to complain about your new home when your real home is, by comparison, so loathsome […]
By JD Heyes
MOB RULE in Florida: Anti-gun mob is trying to vote to take away citizens’ Second Amendment rights in 2020 referendum
The war for independence from Great Britain won, our founders set about debating and deciding upon what form of government they should adopt for the newly formed United States. They decided upon ‘divided government’ in the form of a representative republic, not a democracy where majorities ruled and minorities received no consideration or voice. In […]
By JD Heyes
Oregon gun makers preparing to protest new legislation that would force citizens to obtain government permission before buying a firearm
America’s ‘Left Coast’ is continuing its trend of suppressing the constitutional rights of their citizens, largely by restricting their ability to enjoy full protection under the Second Amendment. California and Washington have both adopted stringent gun control measures, but lawmakers in the state of Oregon are set to consider a new bill that would actually […]
By JD Heyes
Twitter bans conservatives for telling laid-off Leftist writers “Learn to code,” but did nothing to those who called for violence against Covington Catholic students
In today’s hyper-Leftist social media environment it has become all too clear that pro-Trump, right-leaning, independence-minded media have no chance of getting equal access or fair treatment. The founders of Facebook, Google, Twitter, and YouTube are committed libtards who had no problem using the free market to introduce and grow their platforms into the behemoths […]
By JD Heyes
Under new law, TWITTER could now decide whether people are allowed to own guns… techno-fascism is here
Democrats’ loathing of the Second Amendment is directly tied to the party’s loathing of individuality, freedom, and personal liberty. Why else would they spend so much time trying to figure out new and improved ways of restricting Americans’ right to keep and bear arms? The latest Democrat gun control scheme involves the Left-wing tech-media giants, […]
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