News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
2018 will be remembered as the year of tech censorship: Only delusional liberals still try to deny the attacks on free speech
Like previous years, 2018 will be remembered for a great many things, but one of them that isn’t likely to get much mention by the Leftist ‘mainstream’ media is that it was a year of big tech censorship. As the stock market soared to record heights, the Chicago White Sox were enduring a tough rebuilding […]
By JD Heyes
The entire reason government wants to TRACK all firearms is so tyrants can CONFISCATE them in the near future
The American Left has its dander up again over guns and is picking a new fight with a class of firearms that not only aren’t part of any major crime problem, but which have been around for years and no one seemed to mind or notice. As noted by Bearing Arms, ever since the Trump […]
By JD Heyes
Country star and Obama supporter Tim McGraw partnering with murderous Castro regime to legitimize tyranny and oppression
On January 1, 1959, Fidel Castro, a committed Leftist and supporter of communist ideology, led a revolution against then-President Fulgencio Batista. The armed uprising was successful. On Jan. 7, Batista and his inner circle fled the Cuban capital of Havana for the Dominican Republic while tens of thousands of Cubans cheered the new Castro regime. […]
By JD Heyes
Massive humanitarian crisis in Venezuela could have been PREVENTED if the people hadn’t surrendered all their guns to a corrupt government regime
For anyone interested in how to destroy a once-prosperous country and enslave the people, Venezuela provides an object, ongoing lesson. After more than a decade of failed socialist policies, the country is on the brink of implosion as its hungry, desperate citizens — those who haven’t already fled — appear on the verge of completely […]
By JD Heyes
Lunatic Joy Behar demonstrates tyranny of the Left: Anyone who merely SUPPORTS Trump should be thrown in jail, she says
Ordinarily, we wouldn’t pay much attention to Joy Behar, one of the perpetually angry Leftist women on the daytime anti-POTUS Donald Trump hatefest program “The View.” But she said something this past week that merits our attention because it has negative implications for the future of our country far beyond her words. On Thursday, Behar […]
By JD Heyes
HUGE: Supreme Court ruling granting cert in pending case could be the beginning of the end for federal regulators like the ATF, DEA and FDA
Supreme Court watchers will tell you that even though many people wait with bated breath until June of each year when the high court unveils its decisions involving controversial cases, some of the most important work done by justices during their annual sessions happens quietly. In fact, a case with very far-reaching implications involving federal […]
By JD Heyes
Gavin McGinnis fiasco proves tech giants use bogus “hate speech” claims to permanently ban anyone they don’t like
The Left-wing social media behemoths are continuing their efforts to drive all influential conservative voices from their platforms, and Gavin McGinnis, founder of the Proud Boys and formerly with CRTV, has become the latest victim. Shortly after CRTV announced a merger with financially struggling TheBlazeTV, founded by Glenn Beck, McGinnis was let go/sent packing/not brought […]
By JD Heyes
Texas Democrats trying to pass “red flag” laws that would strip away Second Amendment rights without any trial or due process
A pair of Democrats is planning to introduce so-called “red flag” laws in the state of Texas with the aim of denying Second Amendment rights to as many state residents as possible. As reported by Ammoland, the legislation by Rep. Joe Moody, and Sen. Jose Rodriguez, both from El Paso, would authorize state courts to […]
By JD Heyes
Kirsten Gillibrand proves again why Left-wing feminism is nothing more than authoritarianism
In the beginning, the feminist movement may have been aimed primarily at ensuring women were treated more equally — at the workplace and throughout society in general. But over the decades it has morphed into just another construct the Left uses as a battering ram against political opponents. Modern feminism resides within the Democrat Party, […]
By JD Heyes
Power hungry DEM socialist Ocasio-Cortez already threatening to use government to silence her critics
Unfortunately, Americans have far too few expectations when it comes to who they send to Washington to represent them these days, as evidenced by the lack of integrity and character exhibited by many lawmakers. Too many of us also don’t seem to care whether or not our representatives even know, understand, or can comprehend the […]
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