News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Anti-TikTok RESTRICT Act could actually imprison Americans for criticizing GMOs
The US government spying on US citizens took a stranglehold after the terrorist-style demolition of 3 skyscraper buildings in New York City in September, 2001. The name of the spying apparatus was ironically called the “Patriot Act,” because it was about spying on American patriots (every American who cares about the country). Several years later, […]
By S.D. Wells
The deliberate DISINFODEMIC of disease, climate, war, food, money and guns
Remember the false narrative about WMDs in Iraq? That was so the US politicians could invade and steal oil. That’s called disinformation, and the US Government is a leader in its practice and implementation. Disinformation is misleading or false information, such as a mainstream “narrative,” that is deliberately deceptive. It’s worse than misinformation, which is not […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 11 PRIORITIES for America in order to save the Republic
When the word infrastructure comes up, one is likely to think of roads, bridges, and schools being repaired or built up to further the functionality of the nation, but there’s another type of infrastructure that’s completely falling to pieces, and it has to do with ethics, morals, common sense, honesty, and election integrity in this […]
By S.D. Wells
The 10 WORST aftereffects of the PLANDEMIC
Though the pandemic, also known as the plandemic, is over, the Democrats so desperately want it to continue, and for several major reasons. Election fraud was quite simple, and the mail-in ballots made in China gave Beijing Biden a 50 million vote head start in 2020. Democrats love wearing communist masks also because they show […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 12 REPLACEMENTS the fascist Democrats aim to accomplish to overthrow the America we once knew
Nearly all Americans who voted and will vote for more Democrats to run this country have no clue what is happening to our country right now, nor do they understand that the entire party is run by communists under the influence of the Chinese Communist Party. The whole “anti-fascist” movement has been propagated by fascists […]
By S.D. Wells
Industry giant Siemens, which once ran forced labor camps for the Nazi regime in Germany, calls for ONE BILLION PEOPLE to stop eating meat
It’s a wonder the “leaders” at the World Economic Forum aren’t wearing swastikas on their jackets while they warn the planet about the grim future where there’s no more real meat and all the peons are eating insects and seaweed to survive. A keynote speaker, the chairman of the infamous German manufacturing giant Siemens, Mr. […]
By S.D. Wells
LESS THAN HUMAN: Nazis dehumanized Jews in WWII like Democrats do to Conservatives, and like Big Pharma does to the unvaccinated
During the Holocaust, the Nazis called the Jews cockroaches and rats. They were all referred to as subhuman, so the rest of society would agree that it wasn’t cruel to exterminate them, just like pests. This categorization opened the door for medical experiments on them, cruel treatments, and of course, genocide, as witnessed in the […]
By S.D. Wells
Scotland proposing nationwide “20-minute neighborhoods” where citizens are limited how far they can travel from home in order to save Earth from global warming
Are you ready for your government to tell you that you can only travel a 20-minute radius from home because it’s part of saving the planet from global warming? Scotland’s plan to implement “20-minute neighborhoods” nationwide is almost ready to launch, and have no doubts, it’s just another fancy name for climate lockdowns. No, this is […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 10 groups making life difficult for the Biden regime by exposing his lies and contradictions
It is a difficult task to turn the Republic of North America into a Communist country in just a few years, but the Biden Regime is making every conscious effort to do so anyway. If it were up to the crooks and traitors in Washington DC, there would be no Americans who owned guns or […]
By S.D. Wells
BIG TECH TITANTIC SINKING: Will Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg go to PRISON for lying to Congress?
How often is it that a billionaire serves hard time in prison for committing crimes? The two social media “tech kings” are in hot water right now for illegally suppressing and censoring conservative voices, influencing elections in favor of Democrats, and violating free speech rights for millions of Americans. Currently, Marc Zuckerberg’s net worth is […]
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