News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Top 7 COVID SCANDALS of nightmarish proportion
Anyone who so much brings up the topic of depopulation immediately sounds like a conspiracy theorist, but it takes no more than a glance at history to see that governments around the world, especially ones with tyrannical leaders, engage in mass genocide in order to gain power and remain in power for long periods of […]
By S.D. Wells
DRUNK with POWER: How the Biden Regime and globalists aim to take everything you have, including your health, money, guns, land, home, rights, and even children
Communism is based on the end game of creating a classless society where everyone is dirt poor except for the ruling elites, who control all wealth and property. Under totalitarian rule, as we are experiencing right now in America with the Biden Regime, political dissidents are silenced through censorship, imprisonment, and death. Also common under […]
By S.D. Wells
The IMPORTATION and EXPORTATION practices that are crippling America
It is more than obvious that the Biden administration’s main goal is to systematically turn America into a communist country by dismantling the constitution, destroying the middle class, and fixing the elections so the Democrats remain in power for good. As the supply chain crumbles more and more each day, the cost of goods is […]
By S.D. Wells
Government-mandated DEATH CHOICES: New York won’t outlaw deadly vaccines that kill people but will outlaw tobacco products that kill people
Prohibition is the act of forbidding by law the manufacture, sale, possession, or consumption of something. Many people are aware of alcohol prohibition that took place in the United States from 1920 to 1933. During that period, speak easies popped up everywhere, as illicit establishments that sold adult beverages. Owners and operators of these “underground” […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 6 most important FALSE NARRATIVES the Biden Regime does NOT want challenged
A narrative is defined as a spoken or written account of connected events, also known as a story. In the news, narratives are often used to justify government actions or events so the populace will support them, but motives for this can be quite insidious, and the narratives themselves are often boldface lies that are […]
By S.D. Wells
“Digi-Dog” Police ROBOTS set to take over New York City and “POLICE” any protests about Big Government tyranny or the next plandemic
Get ready for fully-armed robotic dogs to “arrest” people on the streets of New York City should they choose to disobey the new communist tyranny in the CCP-Democrat run city. Mainstream media is trying to portray the new NYC cop-bots as a good idea, totally cute and peaceful and helpful for the inhabitants of the […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 8 INSIDIOUS goals of the communist Biden regime
Welcome to the era of fiscal insanity and deconstruction of the Republic of America. In this modern period, the term “liberal” means total intolerance and Godlessness, and “Green Energy” means a return to the Dark Ages. Under the rule of the Chi-Com puppet, Beijing Biden, peace is a dirty word. No longer are peaceful protests […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 5 MOST DANGEROUS laws and mandates that strip Americans of their rights and endanger their lives
Americans tend to get emotional about national “events” and lose focus of what matters most in their lives, including their health and safety. Fake news is seasoned at introducing real or staged events that conjure up emotions of the populace that end up brainwashing them into accepting and complying with laws and mandates that strip […]
By S.D. Wells
Orwellian RESTRICT Act gives government regime total control over cryptocurrency, e-commerce and AI
Beijing Biden and his CCP cohorts in Washington DC want Americans to believe that banning TikTok will protect the United States from the Communists in Asia who are spying on Americans, but it’s actually the US government that US citizens should be worried about who are spying on US citizens. The TikTok app is the […]
By S.D. Wells
RESTRICT Act would allow rogue government to seize control over your self-driving vehicle and drive you off a cliff to “mitigate” risk to the government
The RESTRICT ACT, if passed, will allow the US government to seize any computer of any American who questions authority, narratives, elections, pandemics, vaccines, pharmaceutical drugs, climate change, or genetically modified food. This is what is written into the so-called Anti-TikTok bill, and the Democrats in Washington DC, led by the Chinese Communist Party, don’t […]
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