The next time your boss asks you to do something you’d rather not, just remember that it could always be …
Could you imagine living in a country that made technological advancements that weren’t at the expense of your individual right …
A Butler County, Ohio, judge has just ruled that private data from a pacemaker can be used as evidence in …
In what was considered a first of its kind, a Butler County, Ohio judge this month ruled that data from …
Imagine hearing a loud knock on your front door and seeing a police officer demanding to enter your home. Under …
Nothing says friendship like pizza, or does it? A recent study of college students at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) found …
The mass spying on the American people continues. According to decade-old documents released earlier this month by Wikileaks, the Central …
For some of us, visiting the doctor is an uncomfortable and invasive process. Being examined by and telling a complete …
During the Bush presidency, then-Sen. Barack Obama regularly criticized the administration for its privacy abuses, utilizing the National Security Agency …
The debate between liberty and security is one that the American people have been having for centuries. Indeed, Ben Franklin …