Tuesday, July 31, 2018 by Lance D Johnson
A government detention center in Texas is now under investigation after a U.S. District Court learned that the facility was forcibly medicating children against their will and injecting drugs without parental consent. The lawsuit, filed on April 16 by the Center for Human Rights and Constitutional Law, alleges that children are not given fair treatment and are unlawfully and consistently being doped up with psychotropic drugs against their own will.
The Shiloh Treatment Center in Texas is one of several facilities that detain immigrant children and treat them for emotional and behavioral issues. U.S. District Judge Dolly Gee dismissed the government’s arguments and has issued someone to monitor the facility in the coming two weeks. These children have been through tough life experiences. Once separated from their families, they are held in government detention centers and drugged up against their will. If they refuse, they are taken from their bed and locked up until they can be force-fed pills or forcibly injected. (Related: Communist China’s re-education camps use “forced medication” to alter the minds of prisoners… sounds a lot like America, doesn’t it?)
This is a disheartening development, especially considering that the Shiloh center is already being closely monitored by the state of Texas and the Department of Justice’s Office of Immigration Litigation. This shows that oversight has failed and child welfare laws are being disregarded over and over again. Children who have been exposed to violent experiences should not be subject to the violence of forced drugging. Their brains should not be used as experimental playgrounds, no matter what the drug promises. True psychiatric help for these children should be consensual and non-violent. If authorities care about these children, then they should invest in the children’s holistic well-being, instead of forcefully doping up their brains so they cannot deal with reality.
The lawsuit states that children were forced into detention lock up if they refused to take their medication. If they continually refused, they were forcibly injected. Some children were forced to take nine different pills in the morning and six in the evening. According to the lawsuit, children were not being treated properly for their mental health problems. The psychotropic drugs were being used as “chemical straight jackets.” Children would be physically punished for not obeying the medication orders.
The children’s voices are not being heard, either. They don’t have a say in what goes in their bodies or how the drugs affect their mind. According to reports, the youth were forcibly removed from their beds and locked up in the middle of the night for not taking the anti-depressants, anti-anxiety, or other psychiatric drugs that, in many cases, make mental health issues harder to deal with.
Is the Shiloh Center the only facility engaging in such cruel and inhumane behavior? Will these government employees be held accountable for crimes against humanity? Whether these detained children are from illegal immigrant families or not, they should never be treated like dogs. These are young people, with a voice, with a heart, and with life experiences that need not be suppressed or abused.
For more on the topic of psychotropic drugs, visit PsychDrugs.News.
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Tagged Under: Tags: badhealth, badmedicine, brain health, child health, consent, Dangerous Medicine, detention centers, evil, experimental medicine, forced drugging, forced injections, health freedom, human cruelty, human rights, Immigration, Medical Tyranny, mental health, psych drugs, psychiatric medication, psychiatry, Tyranny, violence