Thursday, November 01, 2018 by JD Heyes
What began as a concerted effort earlier this year by the country’s biggest social media companies to deemphasize and downrate conservatives and pro-POTUS Trump content has now expanded into a full-blown drive to push them out completely using the excuse of “hate speech.”
As Tyler O’Neil reports at PJ Media, the far-Left Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), working in tandem with a host of other Marxist organizations with financial ties to George Soros, joined together to pressure Big Tech to “reduce hateful activities on their platforms.”
While that sounds very noble, the real objective behind the push is to deplatform anyone and everyone who backs the president and his party as they work to restore our country after eight destructive years of crime and corruption compliments of former President Barack Hussein Obama.
O’Neil wrote that “mainstream conservative and Christian groups that have fallen afoul of the SPLC warned that these liberal organizations have an ‘Orwellian’ definition of hate that most Americans would disagree with.” He added: “Worse, social media companies already seem biased against conservatives, and this SPLC campaign would only embolden that bias.”
Since earlier this year, conservative media organizations especially began noticing that traffic to their websites from Facebook, Twitter, and Google began dropping substantially, leading many to either reduce their reporting staffs or to go out of business altogether. In addition to taking a financial hit, these sites also saw their reach – and thus their influence – severely impacted as well.
President Trump and some congressional Republicans have warned that regulations are coming if the social media giants did not stop censoring conservatives, but apparently, those threats have gone unheeded. (Related: Fascist Democrats call for tech giants to blacklist independent media news sources they don’t like.)
Now, with the SLPC and other groups couching the censorship in the removal of “hate speech,” the social media giants have the political cover they need in order to make their censorship efforts against the Right seem legitimate.
O’Neil notes that last week the SPLC-led coalition of groups released “Change the Terms,” a call to social media giants that seeks to “reduce hateful activities on their platforms.” The groups warned that “white supremacist and other organizations that incite hate are using online platforms to organize, fund, recruit supporters for, and normalize racism, sexism, religious bigotry, as well as anti-LGBTQ and anti-immigrant animus, among other activities.”
But as we’ve seen in the past, despite the rosy language, what the SPLC and the Left have historically meant when they have issued such calls is for censorship and banning efforts to be aimed at conservatives and Christians – not overt anti-Semites like Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan or Left-wing hate groups like Antifa.
Others who have been targeted by the SPLC in the past and have suffered for it are understandably wary of this latest ‘anti-hate’ push.
“It’s obviously concerning that they want to censor free speech, and of course their definition of ‘hate speech’ is not what most people think of as hate speech,” Mat Staver, founder, and head of Liberty Counsel, a Christian-based legal nonprofit organization.
“Most people think of hate speech as somebody encouraging physical violence,” he told PJ Media. Organizations like the SLPC and other Soros-funded groups extend it to anybody who doesn’t accept their view on LGBT issues, same-sex marriage, abortion, immigration, or Islam.”
That’s true. Recently, the SPLC was forced to pay $3.375 million to Maajid Nawaz, a Muslim reformer the group branded as “anti-Muslim extremist,” to settle a defamation lawsuit.
Following the settlement, Staver said his organization and dozens of others were considering similar lawsuits after being branded “hate groups.”
The bottom line is this: The Left is attempting to drive conservative, pro-Trump voices from the public arena so they don’t have to compete with our ideas. They can’t fool Americans about who they really are as long as conservatives are around to expose them.
Read more about the Left’s drive to censor the Right at Censorship.news.
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Tagged Under: Tags: biased, Censorship, Collusion, computing, conservatives, defamation, Facebook, fanatical Left, fascism, free speech, George Soros, Glitch, Google, Hate speech, Liberty, oppression, political bias, shadow ban, Social media, Southern Poverty Law Center, SPLC, Twitter, YouTube